Learn more Recent Listening Trend. tabbed by:David from lunch box orchestra This tab is completely perfect and its not as hard as it looks, it's prety repetative. The final version of the song also features a cuÃca, a Brazilian drum. D Could you be lo Bm ved. could you be loved - (v2) bob marley midi karaoke. Bm. Could You Be Loved. Could you be loved and be loved? It was covered by The Wailers Band, The Hit Co., Baby Deli Music, Rock n' Roll Baby Lullaby Ensemble and other artists. Eh! Could you be - could you be - could you be loved? Could you be loved and be loved? Song: Could you be loved Band: Bob Marley Album: Greatest hits, Ect. Miditeca.me it’s a search engine of basi midi karaoke without registration. Complete your Joe Cocker collection. Could you be loved and be loved? Follow @genius Could you be - could you be loved?) the obvious answer is no, but people get lost and forget what and who really matters and lose their integrity. “Could You Be Loved” from Bob Marley & The Wailers’ 2005 album, Africa Unite! Chorus. EADGBE Capo on 1 fret Intro. So G go to hell if F♯m what you're thinking Em is not right!. SKU 18606. Could you be loved and be loved? Could you be loved and be loved? Love would never leave us alone, A-yin the darkness there must come out to light. Could you be - could you be loved? It was released in 1980 on their last album Uprising and is included on Bob Marley & The Wailers' greatest-hits album Legend. Please enable Cookies and reload the page. Scrobbling is when Last.fm tracks the music you listen to and automatically adds it to your music profile. Love would never leave us alone Ay, in the darkness there must come out the light Could you be loved and be loved? Could you be loved and be loved? "Could you be loved -- if I love you, will you love Me back?" Oh, no! They say: only - only - Only the fittest of the fittest shall survive - Stay alive! Oh, no! Oh, no! Love would never leave us alone A-yin the darkness there must come out to light. The first station was WBLS in New York where Frankie Crocker put it on air. Eh! We've got a mind of our own So go to hell if what you're thinking is not right! Could you be - could you be - could you be loved? View credits, reviews, tracks and shop for the 1984 Vinyl release of "Could You Be Loved" on Discogs. Could you be loved and be loved? Don't let them fool ya, Or even try to school ya! Don't let them change ya, oh! Follow @genius on Twitter for updates This song was the first reggae song that got frequent airplay on major radio stations in the USA. The lyrics in the song in which Marley sings about the road to life being rocky was taken from his first single Judge Not, which came out in 1962. Bm Or even try to school ya Em Oh, no!. Could you be loved and be loved? We've got a life to live They say: only - only Only the fittest of the fittest shall survive Stay alive! Oh, no! Its about waking up choosing a side and standing by it courageously. Love would never leave us alone A-yin the darkness there must come out to light. Don't let them fool ya Or even try to school ya Oh no! "So go to Hell if what you're thinking is not right." Discover releases, reviews, credits, songs, and more about Joe Cocker - Could You Be Loved at Discogs. - and be loved? Could you be loved and be loved? Don't let them fool ya Or even try to school ya! 2- COULD YOU BE LOVED (3'56) PRODUCED BY BOB MARLEY & THE WAILERS AFRICA UNITE (2'55) PRODUCED BY BOB MARLEY & THE WAILERS AND ALEX SADKIN. "Could You Be Loved" is a song by Jamaican reggae band Bob Marley and the Wailers. Oh, no! Producers: Bob Marley, The Wailers, Chris Blackwell. (Could you be - could you be - could you be loved?) Could You Be Loved. Don't let them fool ya Or even try to school ya! A couple of lines in this song which are sung by I Threes are actually from Bob Marley's first single titled "Judge Not" released in 1962. Could you be, could you be, could you be loved Bm Could you be, could you be loved Bm Could you be, could you be, could you be loved Bm Could you be, could you be loved [Verse 2] Bm Don't let them change ya Em oh! Or even rearrange ya! Could you be loved, wo now! Could you be loved and be loved? What is scrobbling? Could you be loved and be loved? Can you be aligned with the powerful, the oppressors and keep you integrity with regard to the people.Its a rhetorical question. (Could you be - could you be - could you be loved? !function(t,e,r){var n,s=t.getElementsByTagName(e)[0],i=/^http:/.test(t.location)? Oh, no! Could you be loved and be loved? Become A Better Singer In Only 30 Days, With Easy Video Lessons! Could you be loved and be loved? Reply See 3 replies Notify me 1 Helpful … //, Sorry, we have to make sure you're a human before we can show you this page. by Bob Marley and The Wailers. Definitely looking for a good remix. Could you be loved and be loved? Don't let them change ya, oh! "Out of the darkness there must come out the light", but we all flee from the light into the darkness of our self- imprisoning thoughts. “Could You Be Loved” is a song by reggae group Bob Marley & the Wailers. Bm Love would never leave us alone,. Main genre: Reggae / Dub. - Or even rearrange ya! Reply Notify me Helpful TheStupendous August 14, 2018 Report; referencing Could You Be Loved, 12", S/Sided, BL. With this song Bob Marley wanted to break into the US market in order to prepare potential fans for the Uprising tour. Could You Be Loved was released as a single from the 1980 album Uprising by Bob Marley and the Wailers. [CDATA[ - Or even rearrange ya! Tags: More Than 20 Covers, Sampled in More Than 20 Songs, Reggae (1976-1980) 49 users contributed to this page. That album was the last album of Marley that was released during his lifetime. There are also blue unrolling lines that cover some of the yellow background. A-yin the G darkness there F♯m must come out to A light. Bm We've got a mind of our own. (Could you be - could you be loved?) Could you be - could you be loved?) Could you be loved and be loved? We've got a life to live. It was written in 1979 on an aeroplane while The Wailers were experimenting on guitar. Oh, no! Could you be loved by a the powers at be and the people? We've got a mind of our own So go to hell, if what you're thinking is not right! It was written in 1979 on an aeroplane while The Wailers were experimenting on guitar. Download Bob Marley Could You Be Loved sheet music and printable PDF music notes. We've got a life to live. This is the tragedy of Hell: "Love would never leave us alone", but we are more than happy to leave Love alone. Could you be loved and be loved? Don't let them fool ya Or even try to school ya! - and be loved? At some parts, there are different colored dancing silhouettes of people, mostly males. Don't let them change ya, oh! He thought that his reggae music would not be easily accepted among mainstream audiences, so he wrote this song with a faster beat resembling disco. G And be loved D. D Could you be lo Bm ved. The background is yellow with burnt orange circle patterns that look like kaleidoscopic flowers. View credits, reviews, tracks and shop for the 1980 Vinyl release of "Could You Be Loved" on Discogs. Could you be - could you be loved?
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