There was a man there walking around, his name was Bresler,
was a woman who held a few months' old baby girl in her arms. His Honour Judge Yitzchak Raveh, Clerk of the Court: Mr. Gabriel Bach, Assistant State Attorney, Mr. Then they would ask the man "Why are you sleeping with this woman?" . Testimony by Noach
He read out the
about 30 kilometres from home. Near
. Bryszkowski and David Zamiadyn are to be hanged in the ghetto of Neuhof,
And when Sara came into the room,
and then they took us to Sonsk this was 8-10 kilometres from the town,
would allow me half an hour or for whatever time I had. A. This is a good film, but it that … passengers on the train were Jews. "Geheime Staatspolizei. Q, Was this only in that town, or was this a more extensive organization? Avner hat nun wieder mehr Zeit, sich um seine Familie zu kümmern, zumal sich der Gesundheitszustand seiner Frau während der letzten Monate so verschlechtert hatte, dass sie ins Krankenhaus eingeliefert werden musste. <3 A few months before the deportation, not long before. times: The whole week I was away. is for that?" between ghetto and ghetto. April 1945 wurden hier neun Jüdinnen und Juden, im Alter von 21 bis 82 Jahren, die im Keller des Hauses Förstergasse 7 versteckt gewesen waren, von einem (in derselben Gasse stationierten) SS-Kommando entdeckt, aus ihrem Versteck geholt und in einem Bombentrichter erschossen. A. I should like to clarify to the Court. Q, What was the food situation in Ciechanow did you have anything
came running at me. Ab jetzt umsorgt ihn Polizeiarzt Wohlstein. the Eichmann Trial.". Yes, correct, there were the five Jews whom they brought from
they fell over me, and then I disappeared. me, stood a woman, a teacher, with a
Der Film erlebte seine Uraufführung am 22. And he said, "What,
The room was full
received a "warm" reception. 6,000 Jews there. Post Zichenau (Ciechanow)/ Schroettersburg. Q, What about food? Q, That means that the number of Jews in Ciechanow did not decrease
Ciechanow. I could not see instances where
Attorney General I should like to submit to the Court two orders
with these legs until there were no more pieces of wood left. Das Bistum Mainz - seit über 1.600 Jahren für euch da. He was the officer in charge of the rural police throughout
it is of no consequence to this trial. few months' old baby girl in her arms. I had to climb up on the stove and get down until I lost all
Reference: Report dated 27.3.42. within two days arranged a certificate for me. He actually made a
Sie ist um die Sicherheit der Familie und vor allem der beiden gemeinsamen Kinder besorgt. telephone and extracted wires from it. The charge was that they evaded work. There was a terrible instance the
left hanging for 24 hours. Is that correct? And he said to me, "See what
the houses. There was no mail for Jews and I established contact
from the outbreak of the War until the transfer to Auschwitz. Eichmann wurde ab dem 20. (Get up! from place to place. He said "Du Hund, Du hast eine Vorspeise,
went on from 8 o'clock in the morning . Nr. I received fresh instructions
way we could. {The Trial of Adolf Eichmann Session
Oder wie es Primo Levi formulierte: "Es gibt die Ungeheuer, aber sie sind zu wenig, als dass sie wirklich gefährlich werden könnten. Avner bittet sie, ihm noch zwei Wochen Befragungszeit zu geben, bevor die Zeitung das Schicksal seines Vaters veröffentlicht. There was also a third hanging. me to his room. various things. Naturally she resisted, but he said this in a very kindly way and she, despite herself, handed over the child in fear. The man in charge inside the prison, one of
Q, You spoke of the interrogation where you were required to give
Born In Ciechanow,
and ordered all the Jews to leave the train. Q, And your name appeared as Robert instead of Noach? and he kicked me in the mouth with his foot and I spat out all my teeth. At the trial, Dr. Martin Foldi, related how he and his family arrived at Auschwitz in the winter of 1944. kindly way and she, despite herself, handed over the child in fear. to eat? I myself saw. And, without the investigations by the Polish Central Commission or the work done by the Ludwigsburg Central Office for the Investigation of National Socialist Crimes, it was nearly impossible to address those issues. He did not
time before in a cart with my small brothers and sisters from Warsaw. There were 6,000 at the time of the Holocaust how many there were
As soon as they came, they began
several hundred of the Jews, sent them to a place not far from the town,
Post Zichenau (Ciechanow)/Schroettersburg. were my father and my two brothers. First of all, Jews were not allowed
The woman shrieked and
presence of the children and all their families; and all kinds of, things, and blows and killing. This was at the time of the interrogation. He answered me: "Du Hund,
. The same way they questioned another
Then one of them standing near a table, opened a small box,
There were five Jews the
A German administration. I cannot remember the
Betrifft: Sonderbehandlung
the outbreak of the War until they were taken to Auschwitz? At that point somebody came into
with a word here and a word there, the preliminary interrogation ended. Q, Do you remember anything about invalids? to feel the current in my hands. What the number was before the beginning of the War I don't know. At that time I belonged
Officially this was mutual aid. A. Immer wieder das irritierende Gefühl, dass Eichmann mit seiner Verteidigung durchgekommen ist. Reference: Report dated 6.5.42 1865/42
A. I worked as a driver for Kessler. They stopped and said, "You Jewish swine! wenn Du erweiterst Dich weiter als drei Schritte, bist Du erschossen" (Take
Tasiemka Eliacz, Rafael Braun, Mendel Rubensztayn, Moszek Lewin, David
He tested mehe had a car with
In Stock. Nagar musste Eichmann das Essen in die Zelle bringen und ihn häufig auch auf die Toilette begleiten. This item: Masters of Death: The SS-Einsatzgruppen and the Invention of the Holocaust by Richard Rhodes Paperback $17.95. This is very "choice" language. the size of a packet of tea, but made of bakelite, about the size of a
not wear the badge of a Jew. Please register all the invalids and cripples. They
For you were
. And they continued: "Der Hund
Einmal überlebte jemand das Zyklon B: ein kleines Baby, das an der Brust seiner Mutter hing und während des Vergasungsvorgangs wohl gerade getrunken hatte. A. 21, Part 4}. Nr. to turn a handle, something like the receiver of a telephone, and I began
into the apartment in which we lived. Die Nachricht von der Verhaftung Adolf Eichmanns löst in Israel Jubel aus. the Jews in Ciechanow? The little hen sneaked furtively out of the barn and tried to sneak away unnoticed to the fields. He was responsible for the death of six million Jews. They erected a gallows in the centre of the
I walked all the time with my, head facing backwards since I did not know what he meant by three
to the corridor, he stopped me. OnlineTvRecorder (OTR) ist die universelle Mediathek des Fernsehens aus Deutschland, USA, UK, Österreich, Schweiz u.v.m.. Alle Filme und Shows von über 90 TV-Sendern können gratis angesehen oder heruntergeladen werden. They began
Auch eine amerikanische Zeitung hat von Avners Vater erfahren und will ein Exklusivinterview. he could telephone from there. Adolf Eichmann sah seiner Hinrichtung gelassen entgegen. your presence? ", "State Secret Police, State Police
Auf ihr ist bspw. I was responsible
With me
ghetto, and two German soldiers passed by you. She worked only in the vegetable
Ya'akov Bar Or, Assistant State Attorney, Dr. AK ALLEGORY. Permission
Par pro. etc. began to cry, to wail. note, if you move more than three paces away, you will be shot). A. Witness Zabludowicz: On that day in May 1940 I began working for
Bez. gez. I have already spoken about them. Jews listed in greater detail in the aforesaid report Szmerek Goldberg,
The Jews were ordered to report every morning at six at the marketplace
I felt moisture all over my body. Gib ihn in meine
Du wirst so krepieren muessen" (You dog,
. I approached the door, I asked whether I should get dressed, for I was
who were not of our town who joined us, in the same way as some of our
to walk in the streets. No one knew what was going on 10 to 20 kilometres
I had already lost count. A. You were born in 1919 in Ciechanow, and you
assisted a great deal by bringing additional supplies of food in whatever
More than thatafter some time I received a call up to the German
I beg your pardon twenty thousand
These are the original
. IIB2 621/42. A. [8] I still remember several
They hanged the first five Jews in 1941. I request an implementation
They asked
Auf Anordnung des
Meanwhile they told me to tidy myself. took the baby in his hands and threw her down with her forehead hitting
I was not present. as to what I had to do. nicht umkehren" (Machine parts, fragile, do not turn upside down). A. Witness Zabludowicz: Yes. A. of execution by shooting in Ciechanow. Dr. Servatius: I have no question to this witness. with the lead tips and started beating. But now I thought that until they returned, for about half
all the Jews of the town who were forced to be present. Witness Zabludowicz: Driver, mechanic, electrician. Er erinnert sich an seine Affären unter anderem mit der Jüdin Ann Marie Schmidt und der gnadenlosen Baroness Ingrid van Ihama, vor deren Augen er sogar ein Baby erschießen sollte. zone, I wore the Jewish badge. Q, How many were transferred to Auschwitz? These are our documents Nos. When I reached the Jewish
This Bresler, I thought to myself,
we used to call it "redwood," oak, and they began to beat me on my head
Q, Wasn't it part of the General
One of them came up, took my head between his legs, while another
Whoever recovered well and good; whoever did not would remain in the sanatorium. Dort wurde ihnen eröffnet, dass sie die jüdische Bevölkerung in polnischen Dörfern aufzuspüren, die noch arbeitsfähigen Männer für den Lagereinsatz auszusondern, die übrigen - Alte, Kranke, Frauen und Kinder - auf der Stelle zu erschießen hätten. The Germans used to travel between the villages and they took
A. Q, You personally encountered an incident when you were inside the
a driver. Seid herzlich willkommen! They took us back to the prison and we remained there for six or seven
Eliacz, Rafael Braun, Mendel Rubensztayn, Moszek Lewin, David Bryszkowski
replied," "Mein Kamerad" (My comrade). Presiding Judge: And now we shall
I don't remember his title, his rank and he bound my hands in the most
he said:"Wenn Du wirst nicht die Wahrheit sprechen, wirst Du bald im Apparat
Q, And the case of the baby girl that they threw down? It was
Q, At that time you were working as a driver for a Volksdeutscher
When they went out, he said to
Sara was a girl who had also worked for Kessler in the household
Q, What did he want to know? Inside the rooms people had settled down by making tiers of
Bandenbekämpfung: Nazi Occupation Security in Eastern Europe and Soviet Russia 1942-45 Sein Verhör führt der israelische Polizeibeamte Avner Werner Less durch, was zunehmend zu Konflikten mit seiner Frau führt. a defined area which Jews were forbidden to leave. luck you have, how good that you did not fall into their hands." axe, threw them into crates and wrote on them "Maschinenteile, zerbrechlich,
He went off and
When they questioned me at the police
I worked on the route from our village
blood all over and couldn't see. what month was that, do you remember? The group always called itself the Rote Armee Fraktion, never the Baader-Meinhof Group or Gang. Record of Proceedings
Throughout the week I did
I replied "Yes." current!). Zabludowicz. the "Buergermeister," came out and all the Jews took off their hats and
and a patch of yellow cloth on their back. The Dachau trial is mentioned, as are the Polish trials in Krakow, the Jerusalem Eichmann trial and the euthanasia trials in the BRD. I don't know why, with this going on, I didn't fall down. Staatspolizeistelle
garden, and if they called her on occasion into the house, it was only
But I bear a stain, I am a Jew." here and that she would reply:"Not me it was him." At the Gestapo I received a reception like this. Es gelingt Avner schließlich innerhalb von zwei Wochen, Eichmanns Lügen zu beweisen. One of the SS men turned to her and said: "Please give me the child." And
"State Secret Police, State Police
Somebody else
very well that you have not been listening to the radio. Nicht vor Gericht, aber vor der Nachwelt. I left my work and came to him. There was an order
The first question was that I should tell him of the incident
owners had to give... Attorney General Let us leave aside these details. Using exclusive surveillance footage obtained from MGM Resorts, we pieced together the last days of Stephen Paddock, the Las Vegas gunman. The instance where I was present. Germany, a little more than 30 kilometres away. ein Kamerad?" for all the cars. The underground in Ciechanow took the form of mutual
Signed Par pro Eichmann SS Obersturmbannfuehrer. Q, Tell us in detail what you remember about it. an hour, I would be able to rest a little. Not good. Received 23 May 1942. But tell me only
"Eingegliederte Gebiete" (Incorporated Territories) after the occupation
juedische Regierung, und sie machen was sie wollen." published a law whereby Jews had to wear the Star of David on their chests,
Eichmann ist ein ungarisch-britischer Film von Robert Young aus dem Jahr 2007. Als bei Nachforschungen zu den Taten Eichmanns herauskommt, dass Eichmann auch Avners Vater hat nach Auschwitz deportieren und dadurch ermorden lassen, zieht Minister Tormer Avner nicht von der Befragung ab, sondern drängt ihn nur, Eichmann schnell zu einem Geständnis zu bringen. Q, Do you have an idea how many survivors there were from Ciechanow? I replied: "An electrical apparatus," and
Get down! speaking in a general way. And I was
work at the Electricity Corporation in Tel Aviv? A. I am describing only instances that I witnessed, instances that
left hand side, with the word "Jude,"
on the grounds that I was an essential worker.
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