The commission for the company’s new headquarters in HafenCity was won in a competition organised by the city of Hamburg and property developers HIH. Find out more. [49] In the year 2000, Gruner + Jahr incorporated Fireball and its related brands into Lycos Europe. [154] Gruner + Jahr regularly honors special achievements in the service of press freedom with a special award, which Laura Poitras received in 2014 for her involvement in the uncovering of the global surveillance and spying affair by Edward Snowden. Worldwide. [42][43][44], In 1995, Gruner + Jahr launched websites under the domains,,, and as one of the first professional service providers on the world wide web. See our Privacy Notice to unsubscribe. [124], In 2017, Gruner + Jahr announced it was moving to HafenCity and building new headquarters. By clicking the button above, you agree to our Terms of Use. In the 2019 business year, Gruner + Jahr achieved sales of 1.4 billion euros. [172], In 2013, Gruner + Jahr announced it would be handing over the forged Hitler diaries to the German Federal Archives. The new headquarters for Gruner + Jahr have been designed as a dynamic modern framework – for workplaces, conferences and customers – and as a flexible ‘generator’, creating an urban feel in the direct interaction between city and modern office building. CEO - Chief Executive Officer (Geschäftsführung) ... Entwicklung und Programmierung von Internetpräsentationen (62011) WZ … Schon vor 1965 ließen Bucerius und Jahr einige ihrer Publikationen bei Gruner drucken. It is a limited liability company (GmbH) under German law, and its shareholders are Bertelsmann SE & Co. KGaA, as well as two holding companies which are also part of the Bertelsmann Group. Sie teilen in Bild, Text und Video ihre persönlichen Entwicklungswege bei G+J und „Weiterdenken“-Momente, die ihre berufliche Laufbahn geprägt haben. [14] Bucerius and Jahr published magazines, and Gruner ran a printing firm. From 1969 to 1973, Bertelsmann acquired a majority share in the company and gradually increased it over time. AS12680 Gruner-und-Jahr-AS1 - Gruner+Jahr GmbH, DE Network Information, IP Address Ranges and Whois Details See our, D&B Finance Analytics Credit Intelligence, Free Microsoft Outlook plugin to drive efficiency with on-demand sales intelligence. Gruner + Jahr is a publishing house headquartered in Hamburg, Germany. Companies in this industry produce and distribute magazines and other print and electronic periodicals.... Companies in this industry produce, process, or distribute information and entertainment content. [18] The company Gruner + Jahr was established as a limited liability partnership, in which Gruner held 39.5%, Jahr 32.3%, and Bucerius 28.2% of the shares. [163] The Henri Nannen School is a limited liability company,[1] backed up by the Gruner + Jahr, Die Zeit and Der Spiegel publishing houses. Differences concerning the political and strategic orientation of the publishing house prompted this move. The company publishes more than 500 magazines, newspapers, and digital publications in 30 countries, including Stern and Brigitte in Germany and Top Girl in Italy. See our Privacy Notice to unsubscribe. GRUNER UND JAHR A.G. [52] From the end of 2000, following the bursting of the dot-com bubble,[53] Gruner + Jahr once again concentrated on content-based services, that is, on the websites of its media brands. [59][60] In addition, Gruner + Jahr divested itself of several regional editions of the Sächsische Zeitung. alerts, comprehensive company profiles, and valuable research and technology reports try D&B Hoovers It was previously owned by the City of Hamburg and has floor space of 22,000 m². Das Unternehmen wurde 1965 von Richard Gruner, John Jahr und Gerd Bucerius gegründet. Combine your data with Dun & Bradstreet Data Cloud data to create new analytical models that can give you a competitive edge. Unique Usern pro Monat ist Chefkoch Europas reichweitenstärkste Plattform im Bereich Kochen und Rezepte und zählt zu den reichweitenstärksten Onlineportalen in Deutschland. [138], In the last few years, Gruner + Jahr has significantly increased its digital activities. Und wo bitte liegt Nollywood? Summary Whois Details IP Address Ranges Network Speed Hosted Domains Peers Upstreams Downstreams Related Networks Details. [83] The company thus largely exited the US market,[84] where, up to that time, it had been the sixth-largest magazine publisher. Gruner + Jahr (G+J) is the international magazine and newspaper publishing arm of German media giant Bertelsmann, which owns a 75% stake.The company publishes more than 500 magazines, newspapers, and digital publications in 30 countries, including Stern and Brigitte in Germany and Top Girl in Italy. The company also owns European financial newspaper Financial Times Deutschland The founding Jahr family owns 25% of the firm. [54], At around the turn of the millennium, Gruner + Jahr sold off several regional daily newspapers. [144] The ad-tech company AppLike, established in 2016, was spun off in 2017 thanks to its strong growth. Country Germany. [9][10] Its activities primarily focus on Germany and France. Domain [127][128] The press building at Baumwall was sold to the city, which wants to use it for its own purposes after Gruner + Jahr's move has been completed. Berufserfahrung, Kontaktdaten, Portfolio und weitere Infos: Erfahr mehr – oder kontaktier Judith Neubauer direkt bei XING. Gruner + Jahr serves customers worldwide. [25][45] In the years that followed, digital business models assumed an ever-greater importance: In 1997, the company launched Fireball, a search engine specially geared towards German-language content. The company was founded in 1965 by Richard Gruner [de], John Jahr [de], and Gerd Bucerius. [57][58] The deficit-ridden Hamburger Morgenpost was sold in 1999 to Hans Barlach and Frank Otto. AS12680 Gruner+Jahr GmbH. Gruner und Jahr, author of Living at Home spezial 3: Kaffeetafeln Kuchenträume, on LibraryThing LibraryThing is a cataloging and social networking site for booklovers Home Groups Talk More Zeitgeist [159] It was initially called the Hamburg School of Journalism and, in 1983, received the name it bears today, in honor of the Stern founder, Henri Nannen. [147] The award honors outstanding journalistic achievements in categories such as reporting, documentation, and photography. Gruner + Jahr (G+J) is the international magazine and newspaper publishing arm of German media giant Bertelsmann, which owns a 75% stake. We use cookies for marketing and advertising purposes, and to provide the best experience on our website. Search job openings at Gruner + Jahr. [114][115] By expanding digital activities and innovation in the area of traditional magazines, Gruner + Jahr's business has continued its successful expansion. and 45 Gruner + Jahr jobs including salaries, ratings, and reviews, posted by Gruner + Jahr employees. in Italy. Date Founded. [46][47] This was followed by Paperball [de] in 1998, a search engine specializing in news. Gruner + Jahr is a publishing house headquartered in Hamburg, Germany. [25] An example of this was the acquisition of minority shareholdings in Spiegel Verlag and Vereinigte Motor-Verlage (today Motor Presse Stuttgart [de]) in the year 1971. A Hoovers subscription is your VIP access to key information. [13], Gruner + Jahr was founded in 1965 by Richard Gruner, John Jahr, and Gerd Bucerius. [74][75] The company further pursued this strategy in the years that followed and planned additional acquisitions,[76][77] but prescribed a regimen of belt-tightening in Germany and the United States. *Contacts and Principals counts are estimates and may differ from the actual number of contacts available in D&B Hoovers. [111], Over the past few years, Gruner + Jahr, under the leadership of Julia Jäkel, has been vastly transformed and strategically repositioned. Submit your review and learn about Gruner+Jahr GmbH & Co KG's products and its top web hosting competitors. Install plugin and receive up to 50 free email contacts per month! [66][67] In 2003, Gruner + Jahr sold off parts of its newspaper business in Eastern Europe to the Ringier group. [153] Other laureates have included former German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt (2010). [31] To promote collaboration within the publishing house and to create space for additional staff, construction of a press building on Baumwall began in 1985. You consent to Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) using this data for marketing and analytical purposes, and to D&B emailing you or using an autodialer or pre-recorded voice to text or call you at the number you provide with marketing or other offers. [2] From 1969 to 1973, Bertelsmann acquired a majority share in the company and gradually increased it over time. Grund für den Zusammenschluss der drei Unternehmer waren positive Skaleneffekte, etwa beim Einkauf von Papier für die Druckereien oder dem Vertrieb von Zeitschriften über Lesezirkel. The technologies that are used by Gruner + Jahr are: IBM SPSS, Apache HTTP Server, Adobe Acrobat DC, SAP Business Warehouse Gruner + Jahr GmbH & Co KG provides publishing services. [89] Following the losses of the previous year, the company returned to the profit zone in 2010. [110] Territory is an example for this strategic shift. Chefkoch GmbH / Gruner + Jahr | ผู้ติดตาม 472 คนบน LinkedIn Chefkoch vereint viele verschiedene Kompetenzen und die zusammen ergeben das perfekte Rezept! Die Fusion wurde vor allem von Gerd Bucerius vorangetrieben. Deutsch: Die Gruner + Jahr AG & Co KG ist Europas größtes Druck- und Verlagshaus mit Sitz in Hamburg. The company, based in Germany, is engaged in the publishing of non-specialist journals and periodicals. [33][35][34], Following the German reunification in 1989/90, Gruner + Jahr was instrumental in building up a free press in the new German states. Since 2014, the company has been a fully owned subsidiary of the Gütersloh-based media and services group. [136] Since 2013, all publications from Gruner + Jahr have been clustered into eight units called "Communities of Interest. Top Girl Gruner + Jahr wurde 1965 von Richard Gruner, John Jahr und Gerd Bucerius gegründet. Gruner+Jahr GmbH & Co KG has 379 domains under management. [162] The school provides training for newspaper, magazine, radio, television, and online journalists across various genres. [69] In mid-2003, the company began developing various new magazines, with Neon and Brigitte Woman among its new German market launches. | Mit über 23 Mio. Lists Featuring This Company. [26], In the 1960s and 1970s, the business of Gruner + Jahr was initially focused on expanding activities in the German market. Looking for information on your own credit? That’s why 90% of the Fortune 500, and companies of all sizes around the world, rely on Dun & Bradstreet to help grow and protect their businesses. Sehen Sie sich das Profil von Yasemin Kulen im größten Business-Netzwerk der Welt an. [1] Three people sit on the executive board of Gruner + Jahr GmbH: Julia Jäkel is Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Oliver Radtke is Chief Operating Officer (COO), and Stephan Schäfer is Chief Product Officer (CPO). By 1965, they had a joint circulation running into the millions. [97][98], In 2014, Bertelsmann came to an agreement with the heirs of John Jahr concerning the purchase of their remaining shares of 25.1%. News & Digital Content Internet Software & Services . [134] Gruner + Jahr owns companies and hold equity participation in several companies in Germany and abroad, including Prisma Media, for example. [155][156][157], Gruner + Jahr did not train journalists in the 1960s and 70s. Headquarters. Gruner + Jahr GmbH & Co. KG publishes newspapers and magazines. Detailed business credit reports and tools to simplify credit decisions and manage risk, Monitor, Manage, and Build Your Business Credit, Tools to help you monitor your company’s business credit scores and ratings. Type of Company. Gruner + Jahr GmbH | ผู้ติดตาม 17,169 คนบน LinkedIn Gruner + Jahr ist der größte Premium-Magazinverlag Europas. [88] Irrespective of this trend, Gruner + Jahr introduced new magazines onto the market. All according to plan. Its headquarters is in Baumwall, Hamburg, Germany. [40] Internationally, Gruner + Jahr attracted a lot of attention by acquiring seven magazines belonging to The New York Times Company. This number is assigned once our patented identity resolution process, part of our DUNSRight, Learn about how a Dun & Bradstreet D-U-N-S number can help your company succeed, Establish your business, get noticed, and control your story in the global marketplace, Look up a partner’s company or find your company’s D-U-N-S Number, View and update business information on your D&B Credit file, A leading global provider of business decisioning data and analytics for almost 200 years, Live Business Identity is the most comprehensive and continually updated view of a business entity, Our always-open marketplace for unique offers that help your business grow and thrive, Drive performance through our partnership program, D&B Accelerate, Information and resources about the performance of Dun & Bradstreet. Prüfer KPMG 1999 – 2009 10 years. [158] In 1978, this changed: The Henri Nannen School was established, modeled after the German School of Journalism. Seit 2014 befindet sich das Unternehmen vollständig im Besitz des Gütersloher Medien- und Dienstleistungskonzerns. Gruner + Jahr and Bertelsmann responded with severe personnel consequences. [130] Their contracts were last renewed in 2018 for five years. Gruner + Jahr operates through five divisions: G+J Germany; G+J International; G+J France; Print; and Corporate Services. Detailed profiles of all businesses owned and operated by this company for insights and prospecting. Company Description. Fill out this form, and we'll contact you soon. [166] The affair was to go down in history as Stern's greatest ever miscalculation and caused significant damage to the public image of Gruner + Jahr and Bertelsmann. [21] Both subsequently sold 25% of Gruner + Jahr to Bertelsmann. for free! [106] The executive board of Gruner + Jahr was confirmed and the company re-introduced the legal entity used up until 1971 (limited partnership). How do you say Gruner + Jahr GmbH & Co. KG? Skills & Endorsements [150] It developed into one of the most renowned journalism prizes in the German-speaking region and today is continued as a category of the Nannen Prize. [2] The merger was promoted mainly by Gerd Bucerius,[16] and the magazines that the shareholders brought into the company formed the basis for the joint business of Gruner + Jahr. [1] The company was founded in 1965 by Richard Gruner [de], John Jahr [de], and Gerd Bucerius. [99][100][101][102][103] The takeover was intended to signify a commitment to journalism. UND CO | 8 followers on LinkedIn | GRUNER UND JAHR A.G. Gruner + Jahr Gmbh & Co Kg receives up to 0.04M pageviews per day, in countries such as Germany, Switzerland, India. [24] In 1971, with a view to strengthening the management's independence, the company converted the general partner (shareholder with unlimited liability) of Gruner + Jahr into a stock corporation. [61] At the same time, the company established Financial Times Deutschland, a new Germany-wide business newspaper. [86][87] The company was economically healthy and debt-free, yet it was combating declining ad revenues. Insgesamt veröffentlicht Gruner + Jahr rund 500 gedruckte und digitale Medienangebote … [167][168][169] Stern magazine subsequently suffered a severe decline in circulation, which proved to be only temporary, however. [112][113] In 2016, Gruner + Jahr sold its magazine business in Spain to an investor and withdrew from Austria. English: Gruner + Jahr GmbH & Co. KG is the largest European printing and publishing firm. [118][6], Furthermore, in 2017, the marketing arm of Gruner + Jahr in cooperation with the RTL-subsidiary IP Deutschland and Smartclip, established the Ad Alliance, under the umbrella of which new services have been developed for advertisers and agencies. For dynamic search and list-building capabilities, real-time trigger UND CO is a company based out of 1 ALSTERUTER, Hamburg, Germany. The company publishes more than 500 magazines, newspapers, and digital publications in 30 countries, including [145][146], In 2004, Gruner + Jahr joined forces with Stern to create the Henri Nannen Prize, which since 2016 has been referred to simply as the Nannen Prize [de]. [135], The most important German-language magazines of Gruner + Jahr in terms of popularity and scope are Brigitte, Capital, Eltern [de], Eltern family, Essen & Trinken [de], Essen & Trinken für jeden Tag, Gala, Geo, National Geographic Deutschland, P.M. Magazin, Schöner Wohnen, and Stern. ", "Verlag macht Rückzieher: Gefälschte "Hitler-Tagebücher" kommen wohl doch nicht nach Koblenz",, All Wikipedia articles written in American English, Official website different in Wikidata and Wikipedia, Wikipedia articles with CINII identifiers, Wikipedia articles with MusicBrainz label identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 23 February 2021, at 06:54. © Dun & Bradstreet, Inc. 2000 - 2021. [6][7][8], With more than 500 magazines and digital products and services, Gruner + Jahr is one of Europe's largest premium magazine publishing companies. [64] In the year 2000, Gruner + Jahr purchased Inc. and Fast Company, two leading business magazines. In the 1980s, additional shareholdings and subsidiaries were acquired abroad, for example in Great Britain. Unter dem Motto „Weiterdenken ist, was Du daraus machst” startet Gruner + Jahr eine Employer-Branding-Kampagne. [32] The company's headquarters remain at that address to this day. [3] Upon the retirement of Bucerius, the rights to the weekly newspaper Die Zeit were transferred to a foundation in order to safeguard the publication's business independence over the long term.
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