LKY has put his entire life in building Singapore as one of the most successful countries in the World You get that alternative and you’ll never put Singapore together again: Humpty Dumpty cannot be put together again…. Working hard and working smart sometimes can be two different things. But let us also recognise that he is a champion grumbler.” The Wit and Wisdom of Lee Kuan Yew, 2013 . [Note: all quotes are from Lee Kuan Yew, unless stated otherwise.] Archive. I was asked, as one of our Singaporean writers, to pen an op-ed on what the death of our nation's founding father Lee Kuan Yew meant to me. Speech at the 10th Anniversary Celebrations of the Jalan Tenteram Community Centre, 27th June 1970 Lee Kuan Yew in his own words, 1959-1970 25. Lee Kuan Yew Quotes Showing 1-30 of 38 “clean, efficient, rational, and predictable government is a competitive advantage.26” ― Graham Allison, Lee Kuan Yew: The Grand Master's Insights on China, the United States, and the World. Nobody cares or cared for the one who floundered. He passed away peacefully at the … 12 Robo-Advisor – Invest Stocks Guarantee Returns, 7 Affiliate Programs For Making Money Online, Download Norton 360 and Internet Security, Top 8 Free 90 days Full Version Antivirus, Free Norton Antivirus and Internet Security 2020 – 90 Days Trial, Download FREE 30-Days Norton Security Standard 2020 With Smart Firewall, Download FREE Norton Security Premium 2020 With 30-Days Trial, Top 16 Free 60, 90 & 180 Days Antivirus Trial – Norton, McAfee, Kaspersky, AVG, Avast, BitDefender And More, Download McAfee AntiVirus Plus 2020 – Free 180 Days Subscription Code, From Third World to First: The Singapore Story, From Third World to First: The Singapore Story: Memoirs of Lee Kuan Yew, Vol. #Country #Regret #Successful “If you want to reach your goals and dreams, you cannot do it without discipline”-- Lee Kuan Yew . RESEND EMAIL. I wish I can meet my wife in the hereafter, but I don’t think I will. As an East Asian looking at America, I find attractive and unattractive features. I'm reaching 87, trying to keep fit, presenting a vigorous figure, and it's an effort, and is it worth the effort? Everyone. 2 likes. His beliefs and words have touched our hearts. Share. Motivational, Dream, Goal. Or give it up. But I do … We wish all youths could take up your foot step. It's become my habit. He was the first Prime Minister of Singapore, governing for three decades. The Late Mr Lee Kuan Yew was credited as one of the founder of the modern state of Singapore since 1965. 63 quotes from Lee Kuan Yew: 'I am often accused of interfering in the private lives of citizens. 103 Copy quote. You know that we, as a people, are connected by geography, economics, by ties of kinship. Lee Kuan Yew GCMG CH SPMJ (born Harry Lee Kuan Yew; 16 September 1923 – 23 March 2015), often referred to by his initials LKY, was a Singaporean statesman and lawyer who served as Prime Minister of Singapore from 1959 to 1990. On valuing prosperity over democracy: “You’re talking about Rwanda or Bangladesh, or Cambodia, or the Philippines. Work Sweat Own. Peace and security both in Europe and in the Pacific still depend on a balance of power. Byron Dorgan. See more ideas about lee kuan yew, quotes, lee kuan yew quotes. Well if done a lot of hard work to try and get people to act rationally, the fact that weve had 15 deviant Muslims, plus 5 or 8 others that got away does not mean that all Muslims are deviant or extremists. Update: Lee Kuan Yew passed away on the 23rd of March. Another grandson had been in the American school here. I think it’s a grave mistake. Here are some notable quotes from Singapore's founding prime minister Lee Kuan Yew, who died Monday at the age of 91. I have always thought that humanity was animal-like. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the United States and China are more likely to view each other as competitors if not adversaries. I was a product of the times, the war, the occupation, the reoccupation, my 4 years in Britain, admiring but at the same time questioning whether they are able to do a better job than we can. In response to Goh Chok Tong adopting the signature phrase “kinder and gentler” in 1988, the late Lee Kuan Yew presented the former with a copy of the seminal political text The Prince – and urged him to absorb its lessons. I now know that’s the most unlikely thing ever to have been…. "If you deprive yourself of outsourcing and your competitors do not, you're putting yourself out of business." As Singaporeans mourn for the loss of nation’s founding prime minister, we at Crowdsourcing Week would like to pay tribute to Lee Kuan Yew’s achievements in turning Singapore into one of the most progressive nations in the world today. From 1945 to 1991, China was engaged in a series of wars that nearly broke them. Lee Kuan Yew. Life is not just eating, drinking, television and cinema. “ Life is better than death. If you want to reach your goals and dreams, you cannot do it without discipline. Yes, if I did not, had I not done that, we wouldn't be here today. Yes, if I did not, had I not done that, we wouldn’t be here today. Whoever governs Singapore must have that iron in him. So your computer never hangs because you got enormous storage capacity. Lee Kuan Yew. His son Lee Hsien Loong is the current Prime Minister of Singapore and Mr.Lee Kwan Yew is the Minister Mentor. You can be self-sufficient; the money economy is a relatively insignificant part of the total economy. —Lee Kuan Yew The best possible outcome is a new understanding that when they cannot cooperate, they will coexist and allow all countries in the Pacific to grow and thrive. Share. The answer is ‘No’, but please say it politely and give the reasons… Explain to me why ‘No’. Those who believe that after I have left the government as prime minister, I will go into a permanent retirement really should have their heads examined.-- Lee Kuan Yew Singaporeans, if I can chose an analogy, we are the hard disk of a computer, the foreign talent are the megabytes you add to your storage capacity. At the end of the day, is Singapore society better or worse off? Apr 3, 2015 - Explore Serving Joy with Jeremiah Say's board "Lee Kuan Yew Quotes" on Pinterest. photo quotes of Lee Kuan Yew. Repression can only go up to a point. Love him, or hate him, when the man speaks, people sit up and listen. View the list The power of one, if fearless and focused, is formidable, but the power of many working together is better. And … Without further ado, here are 15 Prime Minister Lee’s quotes. 6Lee Kuan Yew, Lee Kuan Yew at 80: 80 Quotes from a Life (Singapore: Lianhe Zaobao, 2003), 90. b2710_Ch-08.indd 101 30-Nov-16 9:15:57 AM Lee Kuan Yew Through the Eyes of Chinese Scholars Downloaded from by WSPC on 03/05/17. He's going to Wharton. This is not a game of cards. 2000 Picture Quote 1 Picture Quote 2 “ If you want to reach your goals and dreams, you cannot do it without discipline. ”. I do not yet know of a man who became a leader as a result of having undergone a leadership course. Do share them on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Pinterest and Instagram. If you are going to lower me into the grave, and I feel something is wrong, I will get up. … Written by Epi Ludvik News. 89. Of-course we did, but we didn't reply because we knew once this leaks the others will scatter, so in the few days we moved quickly before the press got hold of it. How did he start his political life? But the die has not been cast. President Nixon was a pragmatic strategist. So they didn't lose out. Mar 28, 2015 - Posted by MOE during the week of mourning. With few exceptions, democracy has not brought good government to new developing countries…What Asians value may not necessarily be what Americans or Europeans value. On 1 September 1955, Lee & Lee was founded by Lee Kuan Yew, Lee Kim Yew and Kwa Geok Choo. I would not score very highly on religious value. Freedom of the news media must be subordinated to the overriding needs of Singapore, and to the primacy of purpose of an elected government. Peace and security in the Asia-Pacific will turn on whether China emerges as a xenophobic, chauvinistic force, bitter and hostile to the West because it tried to slow down or abort its development, or whether it is educated and involved in the ways of the world - more cosmopolitan, more internationalized and outward looking. I laugh at myself trying to keep a bold front. The difficult part was getting the people to change their habits so that they behaved more like first world citizens, not like third world citizens spitting and littering all over the place. —Lee Kuan Yew. 11 Quotes from Lee Kuan Yew. Lee Kuan Yew started his political life representing the trade … Read our Privacy Policy for more information. I was asked, as one of our Singaporean writers, to pen an op-ed on what the death of our nation's founding father Lee Kuan Yew meant to me. And I mean generally, every year, when you know you are not on the same level as last year. On Japan defeating colonial power Britain to occupy Singapore in 1942: "The dark ages had descended on us. 102. There’s a glorious rainbow that beckons those with the spirit of adventure. In the East, the main object is to have a well-ordered society so that everybody can have maximum enjoyment of his freedoms. When it becomes too acute, the instruments of repression, namely the army and the police, have been proved time and time again in history to have turned their guns on their masters. The problem is to keep the monkey mind from running off into all kinds of thoughts. MANILA, Philippines — The death of Lee Kuan Yew on Monday reminded the world of the Singaporean founder's accomplishments before, during and after his term as prime minister.. Lee … Enjoy the top 116 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Lee Kuan Yew. Lee Kuan Yew. Those who propered and those floundered. Westerners value the freedoms and liberties of the individual. Prudence dictates that there should be a balance of power in the Asia-Pacific region. Working hard and working smart sometimes can be two different things. Latecomers to industrial development have had to catch up by finding ways of closing the gap. Lee Kuan Yew — Statesman born on September 16, 1923, Lee Kuan Yew, GCMG, CH, SPMJ, informally known by his initials LKY, was the first Prime Minister of Singapore, governing for more than three decades from 1959 to 1990, including through Singapore's independence from Malaysia in 1965. The Confucian theory was man could be improved, but I'm not sure he can be. Vimal Thickvijayan Education. Some of the content is copyrighted to and may not be reproduced on other websites. Featured in: Goal Quotes, Discipline Quotes, Quotes About Dreams. Good night sir. You begin your journey not knowing where it will take you. Install. Written by Epi Ludvik News. Thanks. They had a basic set of traditional Confucian values. If it doesn't work, toss it out, try another one. Lee Kuan Yew, GCMG, CH, is a Singaporean politician. Whoever wins, tremendous loss of life, property - a set back for civilisation. I always tried to be correct, not politically correct. He led the country from a developing country to a significant economic player in Southeast Asia. 10 Memorable Quotes from Singapore’s Founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew. I think that shows a certain weakness of mind – an inability to chart a course whichever way the wind blows, whichever way the media encourages the people to go, you follow. Every person, genius or moron, has a right to reproduce himself. I am often accused of interfering in the private lives of citizens. 102 Lee Kuan Yew Through the Eyes of Chinese Scholars b2710Lee Kuan Yew Through the Eyes of Chinese … #Dream #Discipline #Goal “Please do not assume that you can change governments. Lee Kuan Yew – the best quotes from Singapore's founding father. Tweet +1. Work Power Together. —Lee Kuan Yew. I always tried to be correct, not politically correct. State of Mrs Lee. 1. As of 20th March 2015, Lee Kuan Yew is on his 7th week critically ill lying on the hospital bed, rumors has it that he is on his death bed and dying. He would engage, not contain, China, but he would also quietly set pieces into place for a fallback position should China not play according to the rules as a good global citizen. This freedom can only exist in an ordered state and not in a natural state of contention and anarchy. In the West, especially after World War II, the government came to be seen as so successful that it could fulfill all the obligations that in less modern societies are fulfilled by the family. For personal use only. Add to Wishlist. Work Smart Things. He speaks like an American. He was the first Prime Minister of Singapore, governing for three decades. Lee Kuan Yew Awards • Nobel Peace Prize • The Woodrow Wilson Award for Public Service • The Russian Order of Friendship Award • Order of Companions of Honor • Order of St. Michael and St. George • Order of the Rising Sun 12. I do not believe that if you are libertarian, full of diverse opinions, full of competing ideas in the market place, full of sound and fury, therefore you will succeed. -- Lee Kuan Yew . You are at: Home » Lee Kuan Yew » 10 Photo-Quotes of Lee Kuan Yew. Countries that are agricultural can, at a low standard of living, sustain themselves. 2, The Singapore Story: Memoirs of Lee Kuan Yew, My Lifelong Challenge Singapore’s Bilingual Journey. Lee Kuan Yew's wife Kwa Geok … You have plans, you have dreams, but every now and … The books of Lee Kuan Yew 13. Explore the best of Lee Kuan Yew Quotes, as voted by the QuoteFancy community. Because he was dyslexic, and we then didn't have the teachers to teach him how to overcome or cope with his dyslexia, so he was given exemption to go to the American school. Those who believe that after I have left the government as prime minister, I will go into a permanent retirement, really should have their heads examined. Lee Kuan Yew Quotes. Lee Kuan Yew is the founding father of Modern Singapore. They will be the most powerful agents for change in China. 2. I support the view that free trade in goods and services is a win-win situation. — Lee Kuan Yew (00:00) “For the young, let me tell you the sky has turned brighter. If we made any mistakes, email us, we apologize in advance. Byron Dorgan. — Lee Kuan Yew. It was brutal, cruel. 14. I'm not interested in theories per se. The press did get hold of it a few days later, we nabbed, we were able to get 15, the others got away. The ultimate test of the value of a political system is whether it helps that society to establish conditions which improve the standard of living for the majority of its people. Or we would not have made the grade. We are pragmatists. See more ideas about important life lessons, churchill quotes, blood pressure remedies. No other Singaporean is as quoted as him. He is a hard-working, industrious, rugged individual. Required fields are marked *. Work Smart Things. If only leaders in the west had the balls that LKY did!! BrainyQuote has been providing inspirational quotes since 2001 to our worldwide community. Companies … He is also widely recognized as the founding father of modern Singapore. That's the test. You need a certain standard of literacy, moral and ethical values, to be able to run a one man, one vote system. So I do not laugh at people who believe in God. The beginning is the most important … He is also widely recognised as the founding father of modern Singapore. We don't stick to any ideology. Send. Lee Kuan Yew, GCMG, CH, is a Singaporean politician. What I fear is complacency. This article is more than 6 years old . Lee Kuan Yew(16 September 1923 – 23 March 2015), commonly known by his initials LKY, was the first Prime Minister of Singapore, governing for three decades.Lee is recognised as the founding father of modern Singapore, and is credited in bringing Singapore from third-world to first-world status in a single … Almost all are from establishment sources, such as The Straits Times, the National Archives of Singapore, authorised interviews and biographies, and books published by the Singapore Press Holdings.Only the final four quotes are from non-establishment sources (The New Straits Times, Michael D. Barr, and hearsay).If … He is also widely recognised as … I neither deny nor accept that there is a God. I believed in Malaysian merger and unity of the two territories. Ann Landers. Related Article ➤ 10 Famous Quotes By Some of the World’s Worst Dictators. This is indeed a mentor, a hero, an adventurer. Quotations by Lee Kuan Yew, Statesman, Born September 16, 1923. Lee Kuan Yew quotes According to history, Malays began to migrate to Malaysia in noticeable numbers only about 700 years ago. I like, for example, the free, easy and open relations between people regardless of social status, ethnicity or religion. Update: Lee Kuan Yew passed away on the 23rd of March. It's irrelevant to me what young Singaporeans think of me. Sourced quotations by the Singaporean Politician Lee Kuan Yew (1923 — 2015) about singapore, people and government - Page 2. No other Singaporean is as quoted as him. Share with your friends. Check out these top articles, we believe you will find them useful, use Google Translate for other languages. Lee Kuan Yew called Xi Jinping an 'impressive' man, in league with the likes of Nelson Mandela. See more ideas about important life lessons, churchill quotes, blood pressure remedies. 10 Photo-Quotes of Lee Kuan Yew 0. I can feel the gradual decline of energy and vitality. 1. — Lee Kuan Yew (00:28) “The human being needs a challenge, and my advice to every person in Singapore and elsewhere: Keep yourself interested, have a challenge.” — Lee Kuan Yew (00:35) “If you can’t force or are unwilling to force your people to follow you, with or without threats, you are not a leader.” — Lee Kuan Yew (00:42) As more and more of us age , we know that all this wealth will never be used, Your email address will not be published. I just cease to exist just as she has ceased to exist. Work Power Together. The big nest was in Afghanistan, thats not quite cleared, then there are nests in the Philippines, there are nests in Indonesia, the Malaysians are clearing up their nests. He can be trained; he can be disciplined. “I begin my political life representing the trade union” Lee Kuan Yew at NTUC 50th Anniversary Dinner. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo. If you deprive yourself of outsourcing and your competitors do not, you're putting yourself out of business. 42 Funny Atheist Quotes About God's Existence, Fate And Life, 12 Inspiring Quotes from Pele the Greatest Football Legend, 10 Famous Quotes By Some of the World’s Worst Dictators, 20 Adventurous Quotes On Traveling And Exploring The World, 12 Famous Quotes About War On World Peace, Death, Violence. — Lee Kuan Yew The most unbelievable Lee Kuan Yew quotes that will activate your inner potential. I had some very powerful minds working with me. I've lived long enough to know that you may be idealised in life and reviled after you're dead. If you want to reach your goals and dreams, you cannot do it without discipline. If you deprive yourself of outsourcing and your competitors do not, you're putting yourself out of business. Let's try it, and if it does work, fine, let's continue it. Those countries, and the world, would be a better place. The other 2 non western countries that managed to reach developed status are Taiwan and South Korea, but both are still behind Singapore in term of Human Development Index (HDI) and Purchasing Power Parity (PPP). If Singapore is a nanny state, then I am proud to have fostered one. Lee Kuan Yew Quotes. The values that East Asian culture upholds, such as the primacy of group interests over individual interests, support the total group effort necessary to develop rapidly. If Singapore is a nanny state, then I am proud to have fostered one. I don’t believe in love at first sight. Putting the right incentives in place is THE single most important factor determining the long-term success of an organization, corporation, or a country. Does it work? I am not interested in ratings by Freedom House or whatever. But that's life. The exuberance of democracy leads to undisciplined and disorderly conditions which are inimical to development. We all paid a price for becoming a First World country. Long story short, LKY was the first Prime Minister of Singapore, governing for three decades. Posted at Mar 23 2015 07:07 AM | Updated as of Mar 23 2015 05:49 PM. Lee Kuan Yew Quotes. As of 20th March 2015, Lee Kuan Yew is on his 7th week critically ill lying on the hospital bed, rumors has it that he is on his death bed and dying. “You lose nothing by being polite. If nobody is afraid of me, I'm meaningless." Freedom of the press, freedom of the news media, must be subordinated to the overriding needs of the integrity of Singapore, and to the primacy of purpose of an elected government. News; Startups. Updated for 2021. A military presence does not need to be used to be useful. I have been accused of many things in my life, but not even my worst enemy has ever accused me of being afraid to speak my mind. #Country #Government #Chinese. Using the wealth to help us the old ones is a taboo. The human mind must be creative, must be self-generating; it cannot depend on just gadgets to amuse itself. Jan 11, 2020 - Explore Lim Bee Ang's board "Quotes - Lee Kuan Yew", followed by 752 people on Pinterest. When things always become better, people tend to want more for less work. Even from my sickbed, even if you are going to lower me into the grave and I feel that something is going wrong, I will get up. Lee Kuan Yew Quotes and Sayings - Page 2. 100 Top Inspirational Quotes: Lee Kuan Yew (1923–2015) Lee Kuan Yew was the longest-serving prime minster of Singapore. Any doctor will tell you in our hospitals, that even if you just touch an Indian with an injection he is howling.
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