At least two people are transported to the hospital, one by ambulance and one by medical helicopter. More than 10 cars were involved. Racing rapidly gained popularity in the 1950s and … After clean-up, the Nürburgring demand payment of €1800 to replace guardrail hit by your car … Mehr dazu in unserer. Sadly, the crash resulted in … Persönliche Daten anzeigen und bearbeiten, Übersicht über Ihre Newsletter-Einstellungen, Sie haben noch kein Konto?Hier registrieren, Abonnenten-Status:Zur Zeit kein aktives Abonnement, Sie haben Zugang zu mehr als 100 PLUS-Artikeln pro Woche und genießen unsere Premium-Artikelansicht. Werde Touristenfahrer. Frightening Video Shows 14-Car Accident on the Nurburgring. The Police is investigating the accident. A heavy accident happened at the Nordschleife Touristenfahrten (Hatzenbach) 30th of oktober. Identische Symbole müssen gefunden werden. Auf manchen Abschnitten gibt es Tempolimits. Hier findet Ihr alle Tickets zu den Veranstaltungen, Gutscheine für Fahrerlebnisse und offizielle Nürburgring … Nürburgring: Massenkarambolage an der Nordschleife – 14 Auto krachen ineinander Ein Schwerverletzter : Massen-Crash am Nürburgring – 14 Autos krachen ineinander 31.10.17, 22:45 Uhr Unfortunately, that doesn't stop other cars from spinning out and crashing. NÜRBURGRING EPIC CRASH FAIL & WIN Compilation Nordschleife Touristenfahrten Nürburgring crash and fail compilation. Drivers maintain there was no flag marshal nor yellow lights to keep drivers safe. Your information will be collected and used in accordance with our  Privacy Policy. The last … It was the scene of reigning world champion Niki Lauda's near-fatal accident, and the last Formula One race to be held on the Nordschleife section of the track. Von wegen Rasen ohne Ende: Auch auf Deutschlands bekanntester Rennstrecke gilt die Straßenverkehrsordnung. Formula 1 last raced on the Nürburgring Nordschleife, a 17.5-mile circuit with 172 turns, in 1976. The race was won by Swiss driver Clay Regazzoni driving a Ferrari … Experience spectacular door-to-door duels. It remained the all-time record for three-and-a-half-decades. ... Tel +49 2691 93 31 14 (Jaco Velders) ... RSR Nürburg is the original rental car company for the Nürburgring, with over 15 years experience with the widest range of the best sports cars in the world! Buche Tickets für Motorsport-Events, Fahrerlebnisse und vieles mehr! In the accident you also collide with another driver in a Porsche, and his car damages total another €30000. The crash looks like a 14-car pileup at Nürburgring reported on by Bridge To Gantry a week-and-a-half ago. ... Fühle den adrenalingetränkten Asphalt der 5,14 Kilometer langen Rennstrecke. An dieser Stelle finden Sie einen relevanten Inhalt der externen Plattform Apester, der den Artikel ergänzt. Alles im Blick. Die Polizei sprach von Glück, dass nicht mehr Menschen verletzt wurden. According to a report from Bridge to Gantry, two drivers were hospitalized from the accident, and one had to be cut out of an Audi to be rescued by a helicopter. The Nürburgring is 14 miles of winding, narrow country roads that were once the most terrifying motor racing track in history. A new video proves just how easily one incident can snowball into a 14-car pileup on the Green Hell. The Nürburgring gives drivers some of the greatest freedom they'll ever experience in a car, but it's also a dangerous race track even for those who know what they're doing. Ähnliche Videos zu '(2017-10-30) Heavy accident unfall crash at Nordschleife Nurburgring. If you crash it on the track the hire company will take you to the cleaners. Ich bin damit einverstanden, dass mir externe Inhalte der externen Plattform Apester angezeigt werden. © 2021 MotorTrend | MOTOR TREND GROUP, LLC. 8:39. It was race 11 of 15 in both the 1974 World Championship of Drivers and the 1974 International Cup for Formula One Manufacturers.It was the 36th German Grand Prix and the 33rd to be held at the Nürburgring complex of circuits. Nun tauchte ein Video im Internet auf, das das Ausmaß des Unfalls in Bewegtbildern festhielt. The old Nürburgring never hosted another F1 race again, as the German Grand Prix was moved to the Hockenheimring for 1977. Einer der 14 involvierten Wagen ist nach dem Crash schwer demoliert. In the footage, a driver encounters trouble ahead and decides to pull off the track and exit the car to warn other drivers. As it turns out, the pile-up started when a Porsche 911 GT3 RS broke a coolant hose into Hatzenbach, spilling fluid over the road. Nürburgring History: Faster Speeds Mean Danger. Watch the sobering helmet cam footage in the video below. Bei einer Karambolage auf der Nordschleife sind fünf Menschen verletzt worden. Liebe Nürburgring-Fans, herzlich Willkommen im offiziellen Ticket- und Fanshop des Nürburgrings! Insgesamt 14 Autos waren in den heftigen Crash in der Hatzenbach-Schikane verwickelt. Or at least some of the pictures published there seem to match up with the video shot here. Named after the race driver Stefan Bellof, who on 28 May 1983 lapped the Nordschleife with an average speed of over 200 km / h and a time of 6:11,13 minutes during the practice for the 1000-km race. He escaped from the mega crash with 14 cars involved. this 911 driver on the Nürburgring was a very lucky guy. Dabei können personenbezogene Daten an Drittplattformen übermittelt werden. In unserem Ticker erhalten Sie immer alle wichtigen Infos. A heavy accident happened at the Nordschleife Touristenfahrten (Hatzenbach) 30th of oktober. Robert Kubica is a legendary driver, an F1 powerhouse that was well on his way to a Ferrari seat until a rally crash partially severed his arm. Nach derzeitigem Ermittlungsstand wurden bei dem Unfall in Höhe der Hatzenbach-Schikane drei Menschen leicht und zwei schwer verletzt. In addition Bellof survived at this point a serious accident in which the car … In this incident, 10 people were injured, but luckily no one died. The 1976 German Grand Prix (formally the XXXVIII Großer Preis von Deutschland) was a Formula One motor race held at the Nürburgring on 1 August 1976. Nachfolgende Autos kamen demnach mit hoher Geschwindigkeit angefahren, während die am Unfall beteiligten Menschen noch auf der Fahrbahn standen. The crash also showed that the track's distances were too long for regular fire engines and ambulances, even though the "ONS-Staffel" was equipped with a Porsche 911 rescue car, marked (R). The crash happened in March of 2015 and is a reminder of why track regulations have gotten stricter and racing has gotten a bit slower. After all, this was filmed well before YouTube, and well before we started coveting these cars as classics. A car crash at the Nürburgring this past weekend during an open track day left two dead and three others injured. Und ein … Auto Addiction YouTube This post is continually being updated to include more crash compilation videos as they are uploaded to YouTube. Home Shop. Fortunately, no one else was seriously injured, the report says. Nürburgring: Massenkarambolage an der Nordschleife – 14 Auto krachen ineinander Ein Schwerverletzter : Massen-Crash am Nürburgring – 14 Autos krachen ineinander 31.10.17, 22:45 Uhr Although the crash happened a few weeks ago, … Savage FAILS. Experience racing on the Nürburgring sprint track, which is particularly spectator-friendly thanks to its modern stands and its length of 3.629 kilometres. September 15, 2020. Er kam per Rettungshubschrauber in eine Klinik. It’s closed only during testing events and races. I wonder if Jürgen Sander, the man who stood at the side of the Nürburgring Nordschleife with a film camera, was looked at strangely by his fellow spectators. The Nordschleife is a toll road open to the public. A … In 1983, Stefan Bellof, driving a Porsche 956, ran a 6:11.13 at the Nürburgring. Sie können ihn sich einfach mit einem Klick anzeigen lassen und auch wieder ausblenden. Experience touring car racing with Audi, BMW, McLaren, Mercedes und Ferrari at the highest level. Mit dem neuen Online-Portal für Green Hell Driver. Buche Deine … The track was deemed too dangerous for competitive racing, but you can still experience the track at racing speeds in your own car. Einen der Schwerverletzten mussten Feuerwehrleute aus dem Fahrzeug befreien. A few months ago, there was another major crash on the 'Ring. More than 10 cars were involved. In South Carolina wurde der Mageninhalt eines getöteten Alligators untersucht. 14 Fahrzeuge sind am späten Montagnachmittag aufeinander gefahren, nachdem der Fahrer eines Sportwagens Kühlflüssigkeit durch einen gerissenen Schlauch verlor, teilte die Polizei erst am Dienstagabend mit. Massencrash am Nürburgring. EXAMPLE #2: You crash hard driving our Swift, and the damage to the car is €12000. Der Nürburgring - das einzigartige Ausflugsziel für Motorsportfans und Familien rund um die zwei faszinierendsten Rennstrecken der Welt (Nordschleife und Grand-Prix-Strecke). INFO & TICKET-HOTLINE 0800 - 20 83 200. 14 cars involved' auf MOTOR-TALK. The 1974 German Grand Prix was a Formula One motor race held at the Nürburgring on 4 August 1974. ERFAHRE MEHR. Source: RE FS420 via Facebook, Bridge to Gantry, By clicking Sign Up, you agree to the  Terms of Use. A new video proves just how easily one incident can snowball into a 14-car pileup on the Green Hell. Although the crash happened a few weeks ago, the video was posted to Facebook by RE FS420 just recently. The track was the site of Niki Lauda's horrific fiery crash in 1976. Ein Video, das aus einem der Autos gefilmt worden ist, zeige gefährlich Situationen nach der Karambolage.
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