This new partnership underlines the growth objectives pursued by ProSiebenSat.1 for the Commerce segment. The headquarters of ProSiebenSat.1 are in Unterföhring near Munich. The station family comprising SAT.1, ProSieben, kabel eins, sixx, SAT.1 Gold, ProSieben MAXX, and kabel eins Doku is the Number 1 in the German audience and TV advertising markets. The transaction is … The deal valued NuCom at €1.8 billion, including debt, ProSieben said in a statement. Die ProSiebenSat.1 Group baut ihr wachstumsstarkes Commerce-Portfolio weiter aus. Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 2. ", Dr. Jan Kemper, CFO of ProSiebenSat.1 Media SE and Member of the Executive Board for Commerce: "With General Atlantic, we have found an ideal partner for NuCom Group. Stefanie Rupp-MenedetterGroup SpokeswomanPhone +49 [89] 95, Marcus ProschHead of Communication Sales & DigitalPhone +49 [89] 95, Susanne Jahrreiss Perfect Game Communications for General Atlantic Tel. With General Atlantic as a partner, ProSiebenSat.1 will develop NuCom Group into a leading European omnichannel platform for consumer services and lifestyle brands. Im Februar hat sich der US-Finanzinvestor General Atlantic für 300 Millionen Euro mit 25,1 Prozent beteiligt. The ProSiebenSat.1 share has been listed in the leading DAX index since March 2016. [12][13] Operating Partner ist seit 2016 Achim Berg, der zugleich Präsident des Digitalverbands Bitkom ist.[14][15]. Feeney war Mitgründer der Duty Free Shoppers Group und gilt als einer der größten Philanthropen der Welt. Die Eigentumsverhältnisse an Nucom, in denen Pro Sieben sein digitales Konsumentengeschäft bündelt und das neben Parship Elite auch Portale wie Verivox oder Flaconi umfasst, ändert sich allerdings nichts. ProSiebenSat.1 has done successful pioneer work here and has built a portfolio with strong growth potential. General Atlantic wurde 1980 als das unternehmenseigene Investment-Team von Atlantic Philanthropies gegründet, einer vom Milliardär Charles F. Feeney ins Leben gerufenen Privatstiftung. Comme l'avait rapporté Reuters le 19 février, General Atlantic va acquérir une participation de 25,1% dans la division NuCom de ProSieben. ProSiebenSat.1 Group, one of the largest independent media companies in Europe, is entering a long-term partnership with General Atlantic, a leading global growth equity firm, to help drive the strategic development of its Commerce business. The entity was founded in October 2000 and today employs a workforce of around 6,000 people. About General AtlanticGeneral Atlantic is a leading global growth equity firm providing capital and strategic support for growth companies. I look forward to accompanying NuCom Group on this journey. Ende der 1980er Jahre begann General Atlantic, auch Kapital von anderen Family Offices, Stiftungen und Stiftungsfonds ("endowments") einzusammeln und zu investieren. „Die Entscheidung von Robin Behlau, fast komplett unter das Dach von Nucom zu gehen, ist ein klares Bekenntnis zu der Wachstumsvision der Nucom Group“, freut sich Christian Figge, der als Principal von General Atlantic für das Nucom-Investment mit zuständig ist. General Atlantic bekam 25,1 Prozent der Anteile. NuCom Group Dorothea Gugel Phone: +49 [89] 95 07-8741 E-Mail: dorothea.gugel@NuCom.Group General Atlantic Mary Armstrong & Emily Japlon E-Mail: … Die ProSiebenSat.1-Tochter NuCom Group, an der General Atlantic als Minderheitsinvestor mit 28,4 Prozent beteiligt ist, veräußert sämtliche ihrer 92 Prozent-Anteile an der WindStar Medical Holding an Oakley Capital. General Atlantic has agreed to buy a 25.1% stake in NuCom, German media giant ProSiebenSat.1’s digital venture. Dazu erhöht die NuCom … ProSiebenSat.1 and General Atlantic team up to acquire The Meet Group Vision of creating leading global player in the online dating segment by combining NuCom’s Parship Group with The Meet Group NuCom Group Frequently Asked Questions ... About NuCom Group. The Meet Group Announces Definitive Agreement to be Acquired by ProSiebenSat.1 and General Atlantic. Wirtschaftswoche: "Flixbus wird ein europäischer Verkehrsriese", Pressemitteilung: Deutsche Börse schafft mit Qontigo einen führenden Anbieter von Investmentinformationen, Finance Magazin: General Atlantic stärkt Digitalsparte von Pro Sieben Sat.1, Pressemitteilung: Control Expert und General Atlantic vereinbaren strategische Partnerschaft, Press release: powercloud and General Atlantic Announce Strategic Partnership, Manager Magazin: Achten Sie auf Jörn Nikolay - Dieser Mann lehrt die Bahn das Fürchten, Manager Magazin: Ex-Arvato-Chef Achim Berg wird Private-Equity-Partner,, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“. General Atlantic has more than 110 investment professionals based in New York, Amsterdam, Beijing, Greenwich, Hong Kong, London, Mexico City, Mumbai, Munich, Palo Alto, São Paulo, Shanghai, and Singapore. ProSieben said the transaction values NuCom at 1.8 billion euros ($2.2 billion). This broadcasting, digital entertainment and commerce portfolio is supplemented by Red Arrow, an international production and distribution network. Oktober 2019). NuCom Group, which is jointly owned by ProSiebenSat.1 and General Atlantic, will contribute Parship Group to a newly formed company. NuCom Group bundles investments in digital consumer Internet companies. The Meet Group Brandyn Bissinger Phone: +1 (215)267 446 7010 Thomas Ebeling, CEO of ProSiebenSat.1 Media SE, says: "With General Atlantic, we have found the perfect partner for our commerce business and kicked off the expansion of our portfolio and the further acceleration of growth in this area. Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other important factors that could cause the actual results, performance or achievements of ProSiebenSat.1 or ProSiebenSat.1 Group to be materially different from future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. He also serves as President of BITKOM, Germany’s Federal Association of Information Technology, Telecommunications, and … Already today, ProSiebenSat.1 is Germany’s leading video marketer on the Internet and with maxdome or Studio71 one of the most successful providers of digital entertainment. General Atlantic's Board representative was on Delivery Hero's board of directors at the same time as Luxor's Jonathan Green. The Executive Board of NuCom Group consists of Claas van Delden, Dr. Florian Tappeiner and Dr. Dirk Schmelzer. Oktober 2019). General Atlantic sells Aroundhome shares to NuCom in exchange for an additional stake in NuCom NuCom aims for revenues of around 1 billion euros in 2019 Munich/Berlin, January 14, 2019 - The ProSiebenSat.1 Group continues to expand its high-growth commerce portfolio. Als erste gemeinsame Transaktionen übernimmt die NuCom Group ausstehende Minderheitsanteile von Verivox, Parship Elite Group und der SilverTours GmbH. ProSiebenSat.1 Group formed NCG – NuCom Group on January 1, 2018, which will unite ten strategic investments from its Commerce business – including Verivox, Parship Elite Group, Jochen Schweizer and mydays Group. In addition, NuCom Group is also acquiring the outstanding minority interests in SilverTours GmbH (billiger-mietwagen) and will own 100 percent of the company once the transaction is complete. ProSiebenSat.1 Media SE, übermittelt durch news aktuell +1-646-558-2751, »We have a clear roadmap for ProSiebenSat.1«. Im Februar kündigte Ebeling an, dass der Finanzinvestor General Atlantic für etwa 300 Millionen Euro 25,1 Prozent der Anteile an der NuCom Group übernehmen wird. US financial investor General Atlantic has acquired a 25.1% stake in NuCom Group in which German media company ProSiebenSat.1 bundles its e-commerce activities. ProSiebenSat.1 Group, one of the largest independent media companies in Europe, is entering a long-term partnership with General Atlantic, a leading global... | April 7, 2021 As joint company of ProSiebenSat.1 Group and General Atlantic, NuCom Group combines the reach, know-how and resources from a leading German Entertainment House with the expertise and … ProSiebenSat.1’s and General Atlantic’s joint company NuCom Group have agreed to acquire New Hope, Pennsylvania-based The Meet Group, a portfolio of mobile dating apps. Oktober 2019 war das Unternehmen weltweit an 114 Unternehmen beteiligt, darunter Airbnb, Uber und Adyen. ", Conrad Albert, Deputy Chairman of the Executive Board of ProSiebenSat.1 Media SE and Group General Counsel: "Within six years we developed a unique portfolio of market leading companies. Basis für das Gebot von General Atlantic ist den Insidern zufolge ein Unternehmenswert von mindestens 1,7 Milliarden Euro. The most likely scenario for investor General Atlantic to exit ProSiebenSat.1's Nucom e-commerce division would be for the German broadcaster to … After completing the transaction, ProSiebenSat.1 Group will hold 55% of the merged online dating business, whereas General Atlantic's stake will amount to 45%. ProSiebenSat.1 has also built up a successful e-commerce business of digital platforms in recent years, which is now one of the Group’s most important growth drivers. First joint transactionsIn a first joint transaction, NuCom Group is acquiring the shares held by Oakley Capital and other shareholders in Verivox and Parship Elite Group, whereby the share ownership increases to almost 100 percent and around 94 percent, respectively. NuCom Group generated more than 650 million Euro revenues in 2017. The transaction with General Atlantic is subject to approval by the responsible antitrust authorities. The new partnership with General Atlantic is an important anchor point for the success of our three-pillar strategy. Together, we will drive the profitable growth of NuCom Group even further and develop the company into a leading Commerce provider in Europe. Januar 2019. ProSiebenSat.1 Group, one of the largest independent media companies in Europe, is entering a long-term partnership with General Atlantic, a leading global growth equity firm, to help drive the strategic development of its Commerce business. Pro Sieben und General Atlantic waren im Oktober 2016 zusammen bei Aroundhome eingestiegen. Weltweiter Wachstumsinvestor General Atlantic übernimmt 25,1% der Anteile an der NuCom Group Der Transaktion liegt ein Firmenwert von 1,8 Mrd Euro zugrunde Partnerschaft soll profitables Wachstum des Commerce-Geschäfts beschleunigen und weitere Expansion vorantreiben Erste gemeinsame General Atlantic Mary Armstrong & Emily Japlon E-Mail: . NuCom, of Munich, is an omnichannel platform for consumer services and lifestyle brands in Europe. In 2017, the Commerce business delivered another year of growth, contributing to more than 30 percent in revenue growth. NuCom Group will benefit from the broad TV reach of ProSiebenSat.1 Group and from mutual synergies – for instance, in the field of data and technology. NuCom generated more than €650 million in revenues in 2017, helped by bolt-on acquisitions such as the €108 million deal for event and bonus scheme company Jochen Schweizer. NuCom Group will benefit from the broad TV reach of ProSiebenSat.1 Group and from mutual synergies – for instance, in the field of data and technology. Free TV financed by advertising is the core business of the Group. »For us, the acquisition of eharmony is a perfect match.«, Daniel Rosemann, Channel Manager, ProSieben, Materiality Analysis and Stakeholder Dialogue, ProSiebenSat.1 Group closes 2020 with strong fourth quarter: Growth of 11% in revenues and 12% in adjusted EBITDA, ProSiebenSat.1 Group exceeds expectations for revenues and adjusted EBITDA in full-year 2020 noticeably, DISCLOSURE OF AN INSIDE INFORMATION ACCORDING TO ARTICLE 17 MAR: ProSiebenSat.1 Group exceeds expectations for revenues and adjusted EBITDA in full-year 2020 noticeably, Global growth investor General Atlantic to acquire 25.1% of the shares in NuCom Group, The transaction is based on an enterprise value of EUR 1.8 billion, The partnership should accelerate the profitable growth of the Commerce business and drive further expansion, First joint transactions: NuCom Group acquires outstanding minority interests in Verivox, Parship Elite Group, and SilverTours GmbH (. [5] Zum Team gehören zirka 170 Investment-Professionals in 14 Büros:[6] New York (Hauptsitz), Amsterdam, Greenwich (Connecticut), Hongkong, Jakarta, London, Mexiko-Stadt, Mumbai, München, Palo Alto, Peking, São Paulo, Shanghai und Singapur. About NuCom GroupIn NuCom Group, ProSiebenSat.1 is uniting the Commerce business of the Group. No representation or warranty, expressed or implied, is made by ProSiebenSat.1 with respect to the fairness, completeness, correctness, reasonableness or accuracy of any information and opinions contained herein. These include Amorelie,, Flaconi, Jochen Schweizer mydays Holding, KäuferPortal,, Parship Elite Group, Stylight, Verivox and Windstar Medical. Ab dem Jahr 2000 expandierte das Unternehmen außerhalb der USA und eröffnete Büros in Europa, Asien und Südamerika. FORWARD LOOKING STATEMENTSThis release contains "forward-looking statements" regarding ProSiebenSat.1 Media SE ("ProSiebenSat.1") or ProSiebenSat.1 Group, including opinions, estimates and projections regarding ProSiebenSat.1's or ProSiebenSat.1 Group's financial position, business strategy, plans and objectives of management and future operations. NuCom Group will benefit from the broad TV reach of ProSiebenSat.1 Group and from mutual synergies – for instance, in the field of data and technology. NuCom Group erwirbt Mehrheit an Aroundhome (vormals Käuferportal) General Atlantic gibt Anteile von Aroundhome an die NuCom Group ab und stockt seine NuCom-Beteiligung im Gegenzug auf NuCom strebt 2019 Umsatz von rund 1 Milliarde Euro an München/Berlin, 14. NuCom Group is the growth partner for consumer internet companies. In the interview, Chairman of the Executive Board & CFO Rainer Beaujean explains how he assesses the first year of the ProSiebenSat.1 Executive Board trio, and which strategy the management applies to position the Group for long-term success. Der Finanzinvestor erwirbt gleichzeitig auch die restlichen 8 Prozent der Minderheitsgesellschafter. Der Medienkonzern Pro Sieben Sat 1 Media und der US-Finanzinvestor General Atlantic übernehmen mit ihrem gemeinsamen Tochterunternehmen Nucom Group das Online-Dating-Unternehmen The Meet Group. General Atlantic’s investment will give it a 25.1 percent stake in NuCom Group, based on an enterprise value of EUR 1.8 billion. Goldman Sachs acted as the financial advisor to General Atlantic. General Atlantic also happens to own 25% of Nucom… General Atlantic’s investment will give it a 25.1 percent stake in NuCom Group, based on an enterprise value of EUR 1.8 billion. U.S. private-equity firm General Atlantic has bought a 25% stake in NuCom Group, the digital business of German media company ProSiebenSat.1 Media SE. General Atlantic’s investment will give it a 25.1 percent stake in NuCom Group, based on an enterprise value of EUR 1.8 billion. [1] Der Wert aller Beteiligungen (Assets under Management) liegt insgesamt bei rund 35 Milliarden US-Dollar. ProSiebenSat.1 Group formed NCG – NuCom Group on January 1, 2018, which will unite ten strategic investments from its Commerce business - including Verivox, Parship Elite Group and Jochen Schweizer mydays Group. JP Morgan acted as the financial advisor to ProSiebenSat.1. Zum 31. General Atlantic’s investment will give it a 25.1 percent stake in NuCom Group, based on an enterprise value of EUR 1.8 billion. Munich, February 22, 2018. Achim Berg is an Operating Partner and part of General Atlantic’s Operations Group, providing strategic support and advice to the firm’s EMEA investment team and portfolio companies. In Deutschland ist das Unternehmen an FlixMobility (Flixbus), Qontigo (Tochterunternehmen der Deutschen Börse), NCG – NuCom Group und ParshipMeet Group (beide Tochterunternehmen von ProSiebenSat.1) sowie Control Expert und powercloud beteiligt (Stand 31. 70 Prozent der Portfolio-Unternehmen haben ihren Sitz außerhalb der USA.[4]. Drawing on 37 years of experience investing in global growth companies, General Atlantic has deep expertise in the Internet & Technology sector. General Atlantic hat rund 340 Mitarbeiter weltweit, die 37 Nationalitäten repräsentieren. The investment portfolio of NuCom Group consists of companies that are leading in their segments.
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