How do you think your sex drive compares to what is typical for other people of your age and gender? False - Nobody would ever think this of me. No, we should maintain our own identities. It depends on which of good or bad people you've been more exposed towards, and your own shyness or aggressive response. Would it bother you if they hugged you? I prefer instrumental or non-vocal-driven music. Pull over immediately and return the favor. That's a whole lot of information about you. Have you ever written short fiction, other than for school assignments? It also seems that when I answer new questions, that they are questions I have answered already, back at the start. Are you attracted to dangerous situations? Is it logically inconsistent to support the death penalty but oppose abortion? Do you think women have an obligation to keep their legs shaved? It's situation dependent. OkCupid has a vast collection of thousands of questions for their users to answer and will select 15 at random to start your profile off. Would you ever change your religion (or adopt one) because your significant other wanted you to? What style of online writing annoys you most? 0%. Have you ever had sex with someone you first met online? The email I used for my account I no longer have access to and I forgot my password is there any way you can help manually reset my password please. 12 Honest Answers To OkCupid Questions That Are So, So Good. If you’ve made it this far, you’re in the final stretch! Words: Tell them how much you appreciate them, Actions: Do something nice (like a date or errand), Gifts: Buy them flowers, jewelery or a new gadget, It depends on what kind of function it is. Have you used psychedelic drugs (LSD, mescaline, peyote, etc.) Is there any genre of music that you completely refuse to listen to? Are nudity and pornography the same thing? Do you think partial birth abortion should be banned? Imagine you are put on hold while making a telephone call. Would you allow a pet to sleep on your bed? Are you totally comfortable being naked around your lover, not just during sex? The most important questions on OkCupid - The OkCupid Blog Part of the OkCupid legacy is that, back in the early aughts, we included questions that were user-submitted, so as a result, there are some questions that are truly difficult to answer — but still important to think about. Which do you use to get the fire going? If a blind date used a coupon while paying for dinner, how would you feel? When, if at all, should a child adopted at birth be told that s/he was adopted? Which of the following could you most easily live without for an entire month? If my profile is approved and ok then i will go for paid services. You can only filter through a-list for a question you have answered. Do you think people living in rural areas are more ignorant, on average, than city folks? Part of what makes OkCupid different (we might even say better) is our match questions that let you define yourself and what's important to you. "I don't lie, I just don't say all that I could!" OkCupid users sign up here as well: Alternative Dating. Do you think most people tell at least one lie most days? I was planning to clear some of the questions I answered, but I can't find the "clear" button anywhere. Only with Straight, Lesbians or Bi-Women. Do you adjust it? How does this make you feel? Do you think men who are sitting down should stand up when a woman comes to the table/enters the room? I would if I COULD, but No Woman has asked me out while in public/in person. How much would you dress up for a first date with someone you met on OkCupid? Do you take pills when you have a headache? How long would you have to talk to someone online before you felt comfortable to meet? If you don't like it, don't watch it! If you want to get to the top of the stairs sooner, do you: Which of the following has the biggest influence on your behavior? If you discovered a spider on the wall in your bedroom, which would you do? Which are you better at remembering, names or faces? If your significant other turned down sex in favor of a video game, after you have already had sex three times that day, would you be offended? How disappointed would you be? Most of all, I want to meet someone who deserves MY: If you inadvertently found a phone number in a partner's pocket, which would you do? Do you feel that animals are more important than humans? Do you believe that the global flood (Noah's ark) actually happened? Clicking this link will prevent you from being billed again in the future, but you'll keep the rest of the time on your subscription that you have already paid for. If you asked for time off of work to see your favorite band and it wasn't granted, would you skip work to see the show anyway? Imagine being all alone in the great outdoors, miles from anyone, with no communication device. I sincerely wish it was not acceptable for Men to be topless, higher force messes with everyone's heads, someone who never, ever, threw anything away,, Chris Chan Boasting About Celebrity Status, A Wild Chris-Chan Attempts Human Interaction, OkCupid Profile “About Me” #5: Things I am not Using emojis for the OkCupid profile prompt “Things I am not” is the perfect chance to reveal your sassy side. In the context of this question, intellectual means someone who loves learning, often for its own sake. When looking at a prospective match's profile, which of these do you pay the most attention to? Is it a requirement that you communicate every day with your significant other (via phone, text, in person, whatever)? If one of your potential matches was overweight, would that be a dealbreaker? Have you ever dated someone you didn't even like out of sheer loneliness? Rating. Do you often have a hard time thinking of things to talk about? You absolutely can. Has anyone ever accused you of being "high maintenance"? Imagine that you have to move somewhere far away. When someone speaks with a noticeable accent, does that influence your opinion of their intelligence? That is the question. Do you believe that there exists a statistical correlation between race and intelligence? Do you believe that art and literature courses are important to students, even if they are majoring in other fields? But within reason, especially from the real life actions of an Internet Troll or Cyber-Bully. What portion of your friends are citizens of a country other than your own? What, the head isn't enough, you want the child to be a quadriplegic? Thankfully, back in 2011, OkCupid studied which questions say what about you. Moreover, I didn't send any vulgar/inappropriate text to any person. What is your opinion concerning strip clubs? Don't count school bands.). Abandon the vehicle and continue on foot. Nobody knows where you are. Polite: I always wash up when someone's watching. Are you a "regular" at any bar, coffee shop or restaurant? I would rather be mutually honest with my wife in the matter. The questionnaire is quite lengthy and is made up of 30+ screens where you will answer questions about yourself and then multiple-choice questions to determine your best matches. If you were to get married, would you want your partner to change his or her last name to yours? You absolutely can. Overall, do you think that what you do (or plan to do) for a living makes the world a better or worse place? Yes, and I'm a little embarrassed about it. Not awful, but it could use a good cleaning. Do you talk to and or have conversations with yourself, either outloud or in your head? Do you believe that everything happens for a reason? On OkCupid, we let you define yours by photos, profile, and questions—which range from “How important is it to you that your partner smell good?” to “Should the government defund Planned Parenthood? There is considerable overlap between the two. (i.e scream, yell and cry). You are unloading the dishwasher. If possible, would you prefer to date someone a lot more attractive than you, or about the same? Should healthcare be funded by the government? Roughly how many books have you read in the past year? Does hanging out in an empty field, in the middle of no where, at 2am to watch a meteor shower sound like fun to you? I'd vote for a law allowing assisted suicide. No one is around so you have the opportunity to take a paper without paying. As an adult, have you ever been single for more than a year straight? Regardless of your actual age, do you consider yourself to be an adult? Overall, do you think men should act more like women, or women should act more like men? Are you, or have you ever been, in a band? Is it possible for someone to really be 'too nice'? Do you ever feel it is important to answer questions like these in certain denominations or multiples? You will be able to edit the text before publishing. If you were forced right now to discover with absolute certainty one and only one of the following related to the future instance of your death, which would you choose to learn? If you had to pick one of the following types of people for a significant other, which would it be? By proceeding, you consent to the disclosure of your contact information to the company. Would you consider staying with this person? Which of the following types of toys did you generally like best when you were about eight years old? And then they ask “wanna Tex”, or “do u text”? Would you ever consider a relationship where you would take on an exclusive sexual role as master or slave? My relationship would be open, and I would want her to be happy, as long as she was honest with me. Have you ever had a true one-night stand? Which do you take? Can you remember the names of everyone you've ever had sex with? To the best of my ability and knowledge of the topic. Mainly because of being lonely from being single and PUBLICALLY [sic] Invisible. Is text messaging an acceptable way to ask someone out on a date? Tomorrow. If you don't see their email, check your spam or social folders in your email. How does the thought of someone masturbating with you in mind make you feel? What kind of education did you have growing up? Are you familiar with the concept of 'sexuality continuum'? In your ideal sexual encounter, do you take control, or do they? How frequently do you go out of your way to make others feel appreciated? That would be the end of that encounter. Would you consider dating someone who is already involved in an open or polyamorous relationship? In a relationship, how important is it for you to be in control? If you dislike your food in a restaurant, do you typically send it back? Would you be pleased if a partner expressed the desire to be sexually humiliated by you? Don't cheat! You come home and discover that somebody's broken into your house, and they're still inside. Pls help I was just talking to a very nice girl:(. Have you ever participated in a high school or college marching band? Would you--for any reason--read your mate's email or pose as him/her online, without his/her knowledge and permission? You're in our country; speak our language! Reply rate 90%. Which is more offensive: book burning or flag burning? How organized are the files on your computer? (longer than 3 nights). Have you ever tasted your own sexual fluids? Chris has answered hundreds of questions over the years on his various profiles. Should people consider this when purchasing or receiving an engagement ring? ALL CAPITALS: THE STYLE OF THE ATTENTION SEEKER! When sick, do you prefer the company of others or to be left alone? You're in bed, spooning behind your partner. Which of the following broad gender descriptions are you most attracted to? On a typical night, what time do you go to sleep? So the reward I get for answering every dumb question on OkCupid is that it ultimately says, “find matches.” Here is every question on OkCupid and every answer I have given. Does the idea of living underwater fascinate you? Hi team YasirPlease can you check why my account has been block and can you open ithere are violation let me know i wicare of it next time, page says safari on my apple has won't open the page as too may redirects have occurred. The single person who leads someone to cheat. To you, is abortion an option in case of an unwanted accidental pregnancy? Would you date someone with a mental illness? Do you tend to blow off your responsibilities? If you were in a coma with little chance of recovery what would you like your significant other to do? You can skip questions without negative impact. You. Regardless of future plans, what's more interesting to you right now? Do you read the dedications and introductions when you're reading a book? You remove an item that seems entirely clean, except for one long hair caked to the surface of it. How much would you enjoy hosting a big, crazy party? even I cringe when I have to use it! Suppose you're dating someone who seems to have long-term potential. Would you do something outrageous, stupid or adventurous simply because it would make a good story to tell later? Could you date a person who had a large imperfection (ex: mole, birthmark, etc.)? If you were offered the opportunity to eat human meat prepared any way you like, would you at least try it? Do you like to interpret your own dreams? How often do you try new things (food, activities, music, whatever) that you've never tried before? Have you ever driven a motor vehicle over 100mph (161kph)? Which would you rather choose: peace on Earth or loads of money? Which of the following "solutions" do you think would provide the biggest reduction in crime rates? diet, cleanliness, etc.) The exception being hate campaigns fabricated by Internet Trolls, Cyber-Bullies and corrupted police people (a.k.a. If you had to choose between spending a weekend hiking and camping or going to Broadway shows with the same friends, which would you choose? Other than as an end to suffering, have you ever truly hoped that another person would die? Popular age 25-35. They apparently suggest the only one answer, leading some people to answer insincerely, which undermines the whole idea of those questionnaires. I'm not sure/Depends on the conflagration. (Accept and change your mind at the last minute.). How willing would you be to try out new things sexually with a partner? Is a sinful or immoral thought just as bad as acting on that thought? And the. OkCupid ranks 6th among Dating sites. How do you feel about substituting with things like small cookies, toys, coins, etc.? Would you ever consider dating a Catholic? When it comes to art, do you prefer works that are abstract or representational? Should you find a question that you’re not comfortable publicly answering, just skip it. IF you're looking to find and answer a given question yourself, you have to find someone who has answered it and, looking at their questions, search by "questions I have not answered", find the question in that list and you have the opportunity to answer it yourself. Yes, there is nothing here that holds me. How often do you send greeting cards for holidays and birthdays? Where do you donate the money? Is it okay for a guy to talk openly about his sexual exploits? Meet people, build connections and have great dates with OkCupid -- download now! You will be automatically registered on our site. Would you ever consider cutting a partner (who asked for it) in sexual play? How much does physical attractiveness matter to you in a match? Are you okay with people who grow marijuana for their own personal use? I work for channel 4 inside scoop and I’m starting a column soon.. smh doesn’t look good cupid, Cant log in to my account Can someone help? When a dog licks your face, what is your reaction? As in the previous table, Chris's answers are marked with an underline. You wake up 20 minutes before your alarm is scheduled to go off. Do you wish things like vampires, fairies, werewolves, ghosts, or something along those lines were real? Which of these is more fascinating to you? Do most politicians really want to make the world a better place? If your significant other actively participates in an activity that you are not really interested in, would you go to offer support if they wanted you to? Imagine that you are in an uncommitted relationship with someone you have grown to deeply care about. How do you respond? “The average user answers about 300 questions on OkCupid. Do you hang out with the same group of friends almost every time you go out? Do you often have strong opinions about the government? You: Say you've started seeing someone you really like. When eating, do you generally eat the things you like most first or save them for last? Have you ever fired a real gun? level 1. the sweetest peach on the tree5 years ago. Tell the truth, no matter how much it hurts. After all, if you answer “no” to the question “Should the government defund Planned Parenthood?” wouldn’t you want your potential date to answer … Oh and if you have used this, what has been your experience? Attempt to return the item for a full cash refund. I do not really have an opinion/never been to one. When the relationship was not going well. Do you think a girl with hairy underarms is necessarily unattractive? money, citizenship, sex, fame)? Does your culture/ethnicity/race play a large role in your identity? What do you do? In the table below, Chris's answers are marked with an underline. Each user needs to answer a minimum of 15 questions or statements. Unconcerned: I don't actively lick doorknobs. Ask a question. Are attractive people generally bad persons? If you were in a serious relationship, would you mind if your significant other maintained an active profile on OkCupid? Is this a problem? Should evolution and creationism be taught side-by-side in public schools? I'm reading something any day of the week; there are a lot of words in everything. How often do you forget plans, meetings, things to do...the garbage, etc? You: Right this minute, how clean is your main personal bathroom, (say the one you use every morning when you wake up in your own bed)? Do you pick up after yourself? Imagine that, through some misfortune, your significant other loses the ability to have sex again. If money were not an issue, would you have major cosmetic surgery on any part of your face or body? You go on a date with someone, and during the date you say you would like to go out again. How open are you to trying new things in bed? What's your take on "professional" wrestling? How many times would a person have to turn you down before you took the hint? A Super Bowl, World Series, or sports championship. If you were to die, would whoever goes through your personal belongings be shocked by what they find? Imagine you are walking down the street at night and hear a cry for help. Hypothetically, do you think you would be good at being a porn star? Do you think drug use with your partner can be a romantic activity? I have very deep knowledge of a narrow area. Make any changes you'd like, then tap Submit. Certainly not in person with the theoretical exes I've had. Your cell phone rings while you are having a conversation with a friend. I am already totally 'natural' in this way. Will you teach your children to believe in. OkCupid hacks: Five lessons from a math genius 1. You go girls! They're gross/disgusting/insulting/other. Would you wear your partner's underclothing if they wanted you to? You can only view the answers from users from questions both of you have answered. Do you freak out when you get a little upset? Do you think that western medicine is better than alternative medicine (such as chiropractic, massage, naturopathy, herbology)? No one seems to be around. I would pack at least two days before I leave. Mostly, occasionally it's really a Yes in disguise. Do you feel comfortable being touched by someone you just met? I have no problem with cheating either way. When a woman chooses to abort a pregnancy, should she be required to inform the father? Is there a point in a relationship where it can get "too serious"? 6. Do you like putting together jigsaw puzzles? Are you the type of person to tell a homeless person to get a job? No, but I live in a nearby city (< 1hr by ground). But I would be honest of lack of interest, or give a chance for better decision (obese doesn't count).
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