It’s designed and manufactured in Italy and comes with the style and attention to detail that you might expect. Primo Viaggio 4-35 optimizes baby's safety and comfort at any growth stage. It’s on par with most of the other infant car seats that we tested (except the Chicco KeyFit 30 that has a lower limit of 30 lbs) but it doesn’t really matter because your child will most probably reach the height limit before they reach the weight limit. The Convertible Kinetic includes features like adjustable Side Impact Protection (SIP), Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) and Expanded Polypropylene (EPP) energy-absorbing foam, Anti-rebound bar, and Kinetic Pods. If you expect your baby to spend a lot of time in your car, the seat has to be comfortable. Altersempfehlung: 3 bis 12 Jahre Belastbarkeit: bis 36 kg Verwendung: als Kindersitz im Auto Befestigung: 3 - Punkt ... Peg Perego Sitzerhöhung Viaggio 2/3 Shuttle Crystal Black. That’s why we think that maintenance is a very important factor to consider when buying an infant car seat. Peg Perego prides itself on high-quality craftsmanship – does this show in the product? Die Sitzerhöhung mit SUREFIX - Adapter zur Befestigung an den Isofix - Adaptern des Autos Die Sitzerhöhung Viaggio 2 / 3 Shuttle von PegPerego ist nach ECE R44 / 04 geprüft und für Kinder der Gruppen 2 bis 3 ausgelegt, also von 15 bis 36 kg... Peg Perego Sitzerhöhung Viaggio 2/3 Shuttle Licorice. In the child seat test 05/2019 of Stiftung Warentest, the Peg-Perego child seat Viaggio FF105 i-size scored with GOOD (2.5). 371,90 € 371,90 € Livraison GRATUITE par Amazon. Peg Perego Primo Viaggio Rain Cover, Clear with Light Grey by Peg Perego. Peg Perego Primo Viaggio i-Size - Sièges auto & rehausseurs | à partir de 239,99 € | Comparer les prix avec ! As a rule of thumb, just make sure that your baby is both securely fasten and comfortable with enough room once installed in the seat. That means that you can pass your car’s seat belt through the front and the back of the seat for added safety The European belt path provides an extra level of safety by also attaching to the back of the seat, so it’s our preferred method. Détails du produit. Comparateur de sièges autos . We mostly recommend the Peg Perego Primo Viaggio 4/35 to parents who need an infant car seat without a base. No, and you shouldn’t try to do that with any car seat. Keep reading to find out if it makes sense for you. Choississez la sécurité ET le prix. Erste Meinung verfassen. First, the sitting position in the Peg Perego seems to be slightly higher and with better back support than some other seats. Bientôt le siège auto, sera trop petit pour mon loulou… snif ça grandit trop vite ! Détails du produit. You can adjust the side impact protection to six different positions to fit your baby’s size. You can read our guide on why infant car seats expire to understand why it’s important to pay attention to the expiry date. Produit en Détail. One of the lightest car seats that we reviewed. It’s one of the lightest in our tests and has a European seat belt path, two features that are very important if you are often using an infant car seat in a taxi or Uber. Testalarm: Wir benachrichtigen Sie kostenlos bei Testberichten zum Thema: Alle Preise verstehen sich inkl. Our newest rear facing infant car seat for babies 4 to 35 lbs / 1kg - 15 kg. In addition, the Peg Perego Primo Viaggio also uses its handle as an anti-rebound bar, adding yet another level of safety in case of an accident. Auf der Basis kann auch der Nachfolgesitz Peg Perego Primo Viaggio 1 Duo-Fix K montiert werden. Alerte prix. That level of quality is apparent throughout every aspect of the seat and makes it a real joy to use on a day to day basis. Einen professionellen Kindersitztest würde er vermutlich kaum mit einem befriedigenden Testergebnis absolvieren angesichts der Tatsache, dass Testmagazine schon die schlichte Umbauoption zu einem Sitzerhöher mit einem Mangelhaft abstrafen (z. Our Verdict on the Peg Perego Primo Viaggio Car Seat. Group/ weight category: From a height of 71 cm to 105cm Značka: Peg Pérego: Podrobný článek: Test dětských autosedaček 2009 (1/2009) Publikováno v časopise: 1/2009: Cena: 6 580 Kč Děti; Cestování s dětmi; Autosedačky 2009 - 2010; Chcete vědět, jak tento výrobek dopadl v našem testu autosedaček? You can install the seat on a plane seat using the lap seat belt. Primo Viaggio 4-35 Lounge. Le Peg Perego Primo Viaggio SL a un poids de seulement 5,3 kg et est donc vêtue et l’installation d’un jeu d’enfant. Primo Viaggio Lounge permet de faire voyager l’enfant dos à la route pendant plus longtemps, jusqu’à ce qu'il mesure 87 cm. In terms of crash test results, Peg Perego Primo Viaggio performed very well. Just check the back of the seat to find its expiration date, it’s stamped on the actual seat. 289 €00 249 €99. Kundenbewertungen machen aber auch deutlich, worum es Eltern bei einem Kindersitz ab 15 kg Körpergewicht hauptsächlich geht: einen jederzeit griffbereiten Sitz mit praktischem Handling, der Sicherheitsnormen einhält und nicht allzu teuer ist. You can also email their support team. Il n'est pas facile de faire la différence et de choisir entre plusieurs sièges. Agio by Peg Perego. 4,8 sur 5 étoiles 699. If you can’t easily take off the cover to wash it, it will become an ongoing annoyance after a month or two. Recommended for children: Rear Facing - 5 to 45 lbs. The, If your car seat are made of leather, you might also want to get a car seat protection to avoid scratching or tearing your seats. So you can leave the headrest ever after removing the insert. You can call them during normal office hours or email their customer support team. Ausgabe: 6/2019. You can tell that Peg Perego has experience creating materials that are soft to the touch and very breathable. Je teste depuis mon accouchement le siège auto Primo Viaggio SL de Peg-Pérego ! Inkl. 4,5 sur 5 étoiles 52. If you have a car and will mostly be using your car seat with a base, we think that the Chicco KeyFit 30 is a better value and the UPPABaby MESA is a better premium option thanks to its soft natural fabric. Le siège est attaché au véhicule en utilisant la ceinture de sécurité adulte. Choississez la sécurité ET le prix. The Viaggio Shuttle is available at Amazon. Comparateur de sièges autos. Peg Pérego Primo Viaggio Tri-Fix Isofix. Bei allen Vorteilen, die der Peg Perégo zweifelsfrei hat, lässt sich eine Empfehlung nur anhand von Experten-Grundsätzen zu diesem umstrittenen Thema ableiten: Sitzerhöher wie diesen nur ergänzend einzusetzen, wenn etwa auf die Rückbank kein weiterer, vollwertiger Kindersitz mehr passt. No need to think twice or worry about it. If you buy your Primo Viaggio from Amazon here, it will come together with the Peg Perego base. Unsere Einschätzung zum Viaggio 2-3 Shuttle von Peg Perego: »Trotzdem kein vollwertiger Kindersitz-Ersatz« Erst absichern, dann kaufen mit! You can also install the seat without its base if needed. Some of the other infant car seats that we tested were absolutely terrible in that regard. We did not change the brand and still using Peg Perego’s Pliko Mini model. This product boasts a compact fold, comfortable seating, and easy to use features including rigid … Overall, it feels like Peg Perego put off a lot of thoughts in designing and manufacturing the Primo Viaggio. La conception novatrice et haut de gamme des sièges auto Peg Pérego maximise la sécurité et le confort de bébé à toutes les étapes de sa croissance. Elle se fixe sur les crochets isofix du véhicule, il n'est donc pas nécessaire d'utiliser les ceintures de sécurité du véhicule. It’s one of the lightest infant car seats that we reviewed. Trouvez le meilleur siège auto pour votre enfant sans y passer des heures ! The car seat hasn’t changed over that period of time, but older models will expire more rapidly. gesetzlicher MwSt. Visit and discover the whole range of Peg Perego products for your baby: high chairs, strollers, ride-on toys and much more. You should also be able to find one stored within the car seat base. You can also purchase the car seat and the Peg Perego base separately if you prefer. There is a slider at the back of the seat to pull up or down the harness and adjust the height of the seat belt. Peg Perego Viaggio 2 - 3 Shuttle - Crystal Black - Autokindersitz / Isofix - Autositze... Peg Perego Viaggio 2-3 Shuttle - Crystal Black -, Peg Perego Viaggio 2 - 3 Shuttle - Crystal Black -, Peg Perego Primo Viag­gio i-​Plus + Base i-​Size, weich gepolsterte Sitzfläche und Armlehnen, Clip bürgt für korrekte Schultergurtführung. Once the base is safely installed, you just need to clip the car seat in it. Just press the detach levers on the sides of the seat to remove it from the stroller (the same way you would do to detach the seat from its base in your car). Přidat komentář do diskuze. You’ll hear a clicking sound to tell you that it’s correctly installed, but you should try to pull it out to make sure that it stays in. how to securely install your baby in a car seat, Peg Perego Primo Viaggio 4-35 Clima Cover, City Select, City Select Lux and City Premier, Urban Glide 1, Urban Glide 2.0, both single and double. As the best infant carrier in the category up to 18 months, Primo Viaggio i-Size achieved good to very good results in all test sections and passed the test with an overall grade of 1.6! Innovative base The base for the Primo Viaggio 4-35 Infant Car Seat is equipped with the “Right Tight System,” which easily and securely locks the base in place for added stability with either the Latch strap or the vehicle seat belt. Gut 1,6. That’s about $150 more than the best-selling Chicco KeyFit 30. Auch die Isofix-Halterung zählt längst nicht zum Standardrepertoire von Sitzerhöhungen. (Bildquelle:, In Tests kommt es wesentlich auf ausgeprägte Gurt-Hörnchen an, um den Beckengurt in der richtigen Position zu halten. We recommend that you read them if you want to learn more about car seat safety in general. We’ll review first how to safely install the car seat with the base, before talking about the installation without the base. Is it worth the extra money? noprezzo. Détails du produit. It’s simple but very effective. Pliable. Fazit lesen. Produit en Détail. Test: Note 12/20. Příjmení . Durchschnittlicher Kindersitz für einen langen Einsatzzeitraum. But if you don’t have a car and often travel in taxis or Ubers, the Peg Perego Primo Viaggio 4/35 is worth the extra money. Always check the label on your seat to make sure that it’s still good to be used. That’s usually around 14 months old. Perfect when you’re stopping for a quick bite outside. Kindersitz Peg Perego Viaggio 1-2-3 Via. Une sécurité maximale « Système d’impact latéraux réglables » garantit vous et votre amie. The Primo Viaggio 4-35 can attach directly to any Peg Perego stroller (except for the Pliko Mini and Skate), without the need for adapters. Let’s start with the Peg Perego strollers first. Dazu sind unsere Sitze mit wenigen Handgriffen vielfach verstellbar. Here’s everything that will be included in the Peg Perego Primo Viaggio package: The Primo Viaggio has a range of accessories from Peg Perego and third parties: 7 years. It feels sturdy and well built, as you might expect for the price. In addition to the infant insert, the Primo Viaggio also includes covers for both the buckle and the harness strap to protect your baby. Die Sitzerhöhung Viaggio 2 - 3 Shuttle von Peg Perego lässt sich einfach und sicher über den 3 - Punkt... Peg Perego Auto-Kindersitz Viaggio 2-3 Shuttle, Monza rot Gr. I appreciate that ALL car seats meet safety standards in order to be sold in Canada. Celkové That’s it. 5, vous pouvez régler la hauteur de l’appui-tête et de s’adapter parfaitement à la taille de votre bébé. Primo Viaggio Convertible Kinetic. If your car has the necessary LATCH anchors, we recommend that you use them instead of the seat belt to safely install the seat. If you’re taking a taxi or an airplane, you also have the option to attach the Primo Viaggio without its base, using just a seat belt. SUREFIX - Adapter zur Befestigung an den Isofix - Konnektoren des Autos Sehr weiche Sitzpolsterung und angenehme Sitzform Gepolsterte Armlehnen Getränkehalter... Peg Perego Viaggio 2-3 Shuttle - Monza - Autokindersitz/Isofix-, Peg Perego Viaggio 2-3 Shuttle Sitzerhöhung mit Isofix. Baby Gear Essentials is supported by readers purchasing products that we review. Peg Perego: a big worldwide family. Die Höhe der Hosenträgergurte kann mit einem zentralen Versteller einfach und schnell an das wachsende Kind angepasst werden. Otherwise, it’s going to be a bad experience for your baby and everyone else sitting in your car. dTest: Peg Pérego Viaggio FF105 - výsledky testu autosedaček. These two features combined make the Peg Perego Primo Viaggio our preferred option if you plan on using the seat mostly without its base. Die Autokindersitze von Peg-Perego sind stets verlässliche Begleiter auf allen Reisen. Komentář. Group / weight category: Group … Selbst die vermeintlich solideren Isofix-Booster wie der Osann Junior Isofix müssen im Test wegen unsicherer Gurtführung im Becken- und Halsbereich passen – Fazit der auto, motor & sport: "nicht empfehlenswert". In addition, the Primo Viaggio base also comes with a retractable LATCH system to easily attach the seat to your car. The Prima Viaggio is only compatible with about half of the most popular strollers on the market. Peg Perego Primo Viaggio Rain Cover, Clear with Light Grey by Peg Perego. We particularly like the handy little LATCH clips that safely lock into the anchors. ECE R129) is a solution for the youngest children. Primo Viaggio 360. The canopy, for example, is the biggest one that we’ve seen and comes with special ventilation areas on the side. Souhlasím s podmínkami psaní komentářů na webu Zasílejte mi upozornění na nové komentáře. Our newest rear facing infant car seat for babies 4 to 35 lbs / 1kg - 15 kg. Gurt zur idealen Einstellung des Auto - Schultergurtes Inkl. It is suitable for travelling for toddlers from birth to about 15 months of age. 72,80 € 72,80 € Recevez-le mercredi 3 février. ... We believe that the Peg Perego customers are a part of the Peg Perego Family. Dann ist ein Isofix-Booster wie der Viaggio 2-3 Shuttle tatsächlich das geringste Übel – wenn nur die Isofix-Halterungen wirklich genutzt und die Gurtspange korrekt mit dem Diagonalgurt verspannt wird, um Quetschungen im Halsbereich zu verhindern. Approuvée dès la naissance. All of the products in this review meet or exceed the guidelines and are therefor… Jouets. Peg Perego Ypsi Adapter for ca... Il adapte les sièges-autos d'autres marques au châssis Ypsi. Just like the Chicco KeyFit 30, the Primo Viaggio comes with a smart car seat base.The Primo Viaggio base, that comes bundled with the car seat if you purchase it on Amazon here, has a few special features that will help you safely secure it to your car every time. We recommend that you keep the headrest until your baby’s shoulders reach the top harness position. You can also read this article to understand why infant car seats expire. Peg-Pérego Kindersitz Gr. In crash tests designed to the specifications used by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), this seat was below the maximum limit for both the head and chest sensor data during testing. It’s unfortunate, but we’ve seen too many parents install their infant seat incorrectly, thus putting their child at risk in case of an accident. For recall information, call the U.S. Government’s Vehicle Safety Hotline at 1-888-327-4236 (TTY: 1-800-424-9153), or go to Follow these 7 steps to attach the Peg Perego Primo Viaggio without the base: Note that some cars don’t have a seat belt long enough to take advantage of the European path. The seat is dedicated for the weight … The bottom of the seat is a bit curvy, so you can gently rock your baby back and forth when the seat is placed on the ground. Don’t try to use both systems at the same time though. The Peg Perego Primo Viaggio is average in that regard. Sledování můžu kdykoli zrušit. Lebensjahr auf jeder Autofahrt. The insert is an extra layer of cushion protection for babies who weigh between 4 and 11 lbs (1.8 kg to 5 kg). Pop-Up seat. Designed for your lifestyle. If you’re an urban parent, often popping in and out of taxis, the Peg Perego Primo Viaggio 4/35 might be the best car seat for you.It’s one of the lightest in our tests and has a European seat belt path, two features that are very important if you are often using an infant car seat in a taxi or Uber. Máte zkušenos Kindersitz Peg Perego Primo Viaggio SL & Isofix Base 0+1. Learn more about how to securely install your baby in a car seat. Test autosedaček - Peg Pérego Viaggio1 Duo-Fix, základna s Isofix s podpůrnou nohou Der Kindersitz Viaggio 2 - 3 Shuttle von Peg - Pérego begleitet Kinder vom 3. bis zum 12. And it’s not as heavy as some other seats. But also soft enough to be comfortable and cozy. Very comfortable straps and seating position for baby. You can simply release them with a button on the side. The information contained on this website, including, but not limited to, health recommendations, product suggestions, or dietary information, is merely the opinion of Baby Gear Essentials or its users and should not be used as a substitute for informed medical or nutritional advice or instruction. Livraison GRATUITE par Amazon. The seat itself is also filled with energy-absorbing foam to protect your baby in case of an accident. Eine Aktualisierung in Echtzeit findet nicht statt, so dass der Preis seit der letzten Aktualisierung gestiegen sein kann. Log ind for at se om produktet er det bedste i testen til dit behov. Check our section below on stroller compatibility to see if your stroller will work with the Prima Viaggio. Crafted with ❤ in Massachusetts and Washington, First off, if you have more than one car and expect to regularly move the seat from one to the other, you might want to get an, If you’re living somewhere cold or raining, you might also want to get the official, There is also a temperature regulating seat cover designed to keep your babiy warm in the winter and cool in the summer. Primo Viaggio Lounge. It’s one of the easiest and most robust systems that we’ve seen. Aucune variante sélectionnée. The, And if you plan on spending more time in the cold, there is special winter cover. Do not use this information to diagnose or treat any health problems, without first consulting your doctor. Learn more about how we evaluate car seat safety ratings. The Peg Perego Primo Viaggio weighs 9.5 lbs (4.31kg) without the base. You can check that your car seat is FAA approved by looking for a sticker that says “This Restraint is Certified for Use in Motor Vehicles and Aircraft”. Přidat k porovnání. The Peg Perego Primo Viaggio also shines with its excellent safety features. 17 offres: 199,00 € – 295,27 € 0 avis: Donnez votre avis sur ce produit. The base isn’t built for it and it won’t make the installation safer. Adjust the recline angle of the base appropriately by following the level line indicator at the front of the base. Découvrez si votre enfant est vraiment protégé avec les résultats aux crashs tests! Read our guide on how to securely install your baby in a car seat to understand the American belt routing method versus the European belt routing method. This is for an older version of the Primo Viaggio but the latest 4/35 seat functions the same way: One area where we think Peg Perego should do better, however, is in terms of stroller compatibility.
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