There are no items in your Media Basket. This action can not be undone. Die IG Metall-App bietet die neusten Informationen zu Tarifverhandlungen, eine Ãbersicht über die Tarifentgelte, Wissenswertes rund um die Arbeitswelt sowie Zugriff auf die Online-Services der IG Metall wie den Streikgeldrechner, Die Gewerkschaften handeln für ihre Mitglieder die Tarifverträge aus â In der Kurzarbeit zeigt sich der Wert einer starken Gewerkschaft. You can find up-to-date news from the Schaeffler Group, images for the press, background information, videos, and much more for use in editorial articles about our company in the Schaeffler press area. 987 talking about this. The Schaeffler Group has been a leading technology company on the world’s markets for over 120 years. Schaeffler helped to equip one of the world’s largest reflecting telescopes, located on La Palma in the Canary Islands, with a rotating direct drive motor – thus helping scientists to precisely observe galaxies far away. 8 vom 23.03.2021 über den Gesprächsstand zum Interessenausgleich Sondermaschinenbau. Technical publications by the Automotive Aftermarket Division like brochures, installation guides, or service information are available at our garage portal . Schaeffler will be an anchor partner for STARTUP AUTOBAHN for the next three years. News & Media. What is the future of mobility? You can find up-to-date news from the Schaeffler India, images for the press, background information, videos, and much more for use in editorial articles about our company in the Schaeffler … Schweinfurt: MaÃnahmenprogramm SPACE â Interessenausgleich "Prototypenbau Radmodule". E. h. Georg Schaeffler had the brilliant idea of equipping the needle roller bearing with a cage to guide the needle rollers. A company spokesman said that no viable solution had been found for maintaining the location where Schaeffler currently still produces rolling bearings for various industrial … The cage-guided needle roller bearing is one of Schaeffler’s most important innovations is now an indispensable part of bearing technology. Am 25.03.2021 wurde zu einer erneuten Frühschlussaktion mit anschlieÃender Kundgebung aufgerufen! We work to bring about the technologies of the future and, in doing so, create the basis for our innovations to make tomorrow's worldwide mobility even better than it is today. Our objective is to utilize this cooperation platform to work together with startups and other innovation partners in order to pioneer motion to advance how the world moves. Reuters recently reported that as a result of the economic downturn, several German auto-industry companies may seek to instigate Kurzarbeit schemes, including Continental, Schaeffler , and Daimler AG . Schaeffler is actively engaged in innovating and shaping the global pace of change. Kurzarbeit has been imitated in various forms, firstly by Switzerland, and more recently by other countries including Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Austria, Czech Republic, Italy and Japan. 70 years ago, Dr.-Ing. További információk. Schaeffler is a dynamic global technology company and its success has been a result of its entrepreneurial spirit and long history of private ownership. 10/2021: Der Betriebsrat von Schaeffler in Herzogenaurach informiert die Kolleginnen und Kollegen über aktuelle Entwicklungen, Bei Schaeffler geht der Kampf um den Erhalt des Standorts und der Beschäftigung im Brandenburger Schaeffler-Standort weiter, Die Hallen waren leergefegt, die Maschinen und PCs standen still, Im Rahmen der Tarifrunde 2021 in der Metall- und Elektroindustrie fanden erneut zwei Aktionen bei Schaeffler statt, Neue Serienaufträge für E-Motoren und Hybridmodule für Lkw belegen erfolgreiche Entwicklung in der E-Mobilität. 9700 Szombathely Magyarország +36 94 588 100 +36 94 588 130;; Iskolai csoportok regisztrációja gyárlátogatásra - Schaeffler Savaria Kft. Schaeffler is cut its net workforce by 4,400 in Germany and Europe by the end of 2022 focusing mainly on 12 locations in Germany and two elsewhere … Homburg: Zukunft für den Industriestandort? If you click on "Delete all" all the items are removed from the cart. The aim of the Kurzarbeit is to prevent (or postpone) unemployment by keeping people in jobs if not actually at work. You can find up-to-date news from the Schaeffler Group here. Social News. You can find up-to-date news from the Schaeffler Group, images for the press, background information, videos, and much more for use in editorial articles about our company in the Schaeffler Press Area. Mehr Geld, Arbeitsplätze und Zukunft in Nordrhein-Westfalen gesichert â Pilotabschluss muss noch in übrigen Tarifbezirken übernommen werden, Der wegen seiner Gewerkschaftsfeindlichkeit bekannte Unternehmer Elon Musk, Gründer und Chef des Elektroautobauers Tesla, muss eine schwere Niederlage einstecken, Bei den "Zukunftsgesprächen Industrie" der SPD vertritt Salvatore Vicari am 12. JEDEN TAG AKTUELLE NEWS VOM VALZNERWEIHER tomorrow - EXPERIENCING TECHNOLOGY WITH SCHAEFFLER, Schaeffler applies cookies to secure an optimal use. Das Gesetz zur Stärkung von Betriebsräten kommt: Das Bundeskabinett hat das Vorhaben beschlossen. Im Rahmen der Tarifrunde 2021 in der Metall- und Elektroindustrie beteiligte sich Schaeffler in Gunzenhausen erneut an den IG Metall-Aktivitäten, Im neuen GKBR-Infoblatt Nr. You can find up-to-date news from the Schaeffler Group, images for the press, background information, videos, and much more for use in editorial articles about our company in the Schaeffler Press Area. Learn more The Schaeffler Group and Germany’s IG Metall trade union have reached an agreement regarding employment security. Since the patent was filed in 1950, these bearings have ensured the correct rotation in automotive and industrial applications and also plays an extremely important role when it comes to future topics like collaborative robotics and electric mobility. Közösségi felület. April ab 17 Uhr als Betriebsratsvorsitzender das Schaeffler-Werk in Homburg, Betriebsratsaushang Nr. News & Media. The media library contains publications, videos and photos about the Schaeffler Group and its products, which you can download or order (in the case of large files). Amennyiben szeretne csatlakozni vállalatunkhoz, látogasson el a következő oldalra: Jobs at Schaeffler We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. How can we help? display Wuppertal / Herzogenaurach (dpa / lnw) - The automotive and industrial supplier Schaeffler closes its plant in Wuppertal. Here are some examples from around the world: Schaeffler donates to Red Cross, Mobility for Heroes initiative, Support for Bavarian Civil Protection Service, the "Safe Hand" tool, Support for the Nürnberger Tafel". Formula E in Rome: two races in the historic global metropolis, Formula E in Berlin: Six-fold appearance and title decision, Formula E in Marrakesh – tradition and sustainability, Formula E in Mexico City – A metropolis celebrates electric mobility, Simulation technologies in drive technology, Simulation technologies in chassis technology, The All-round Carefree Package for Vehicle Repair, A Brilliant Idea Yesterday, a Global Company Today, The USA: Schaeffler and the Partner Country of the Hannover Messe, Technological Expertise & Systems Know-how, Parts Replacement Made Easy with Special Tools, Electricity Generated from the Ebb and Flow, Schaeffler is the new partner for STARTUP AUTOBAHN, Schaeffler helps commercial vehicles go electric, Schaeffler and Flender introduce innovative and eco-friendly packing system for large size bearings, Schaeffler becomes an anchor partner for STARTUP AUTOBAHN. Die Autobranche rutscht in die Krise: Etwa 250 Mitarbeiter des Autozulieferers Schaeffler arbeiten nun in Kurzarbeit. With the further use of this website you accept the application of cookies. With the FAG Complete Hub, the wheel bearing specialist brings a ready-to-install complete unit consisting of wheel hub, wheel bearing and ABS encoder ring to the independent workshop. DGAP-News: Schaeffler AG / Key word(s): Annual Results Schaeffler AG: Schaeffler closes 2020 with strong fourth quarter 04.03.2021 / 08:00 The issuer is … Current financial reports, presentations and company messages for the current financial year can all be found in our section called "Events & Publications". Dazu hat das Engagement von IG Metallerinnen und IG Metallern entscheidend beigetragen. Die IG Metall-Vertrauensleute bei Schaeffler in Bühl haben (bereits vor Ostern) ihre Kolleginnen und Kollegen über die aktuelle Situation im Betrieb … You can find up-to-date news from the Schaeffler Group, images for the press, background information, videos, and much more for use in editorial articles about our company in the Schaeffler Press Area. Warnstreik â Arbeitsniederlegung nach der Betriebsversammlung, Hirschaid/Morbach: Zweiter Warnstreik bei Schaeffler. The media library contains publications, videos and photos about the Schaeffler Group and its products, which you can download or order (in the case of large files). Gesamt- und Konzernbetriebsrat: Kampf um Luckenwalde + Zukunft für Ingolstadt? You can find the right contact person for the press for questions about our company, products, or for general inquiries about Schaeffler here. The Schaeffler Group is a leading global supplier to the automotive and industrial sectors. New volume production orders for electric motors and hybrid modules for trucks highlight success of electric mobility strategy Schaeffler also helping its commercial vehicle customers meet CO2 and pollution reduction targets through electrification Matthias Zink: “We are bringing our considerable systems expertise in the field of commercial vehicles for shaping how the world moves.” Megatrends and future markets – what are the best investment strategies? Learn more Zanati út 31. Wie lange, ist unklar. News & Media; Dates & Events; CES 2021; Schaeffler at CES 2021. We promote and challenge our employees with exciting tasks. Millions of people were put on short-time work (Kurzarbeit) in 2020 – meaning that they are now obliged to submit a tax return in Germany.Unsure about how this works? As a partner to all of the major automobile manufacturers, as well as key players in the aerospace and industrial sectors, we offer you many development opportunities. The maximum order quantity for each medium is: 20 pieces It is not allowed to sell material that has been made available at no charge. Take a look at our press kits to find out more. You will find the publication dates for information about Schaeffler's financial situation in our financial calendar in the overview. Need more background information about a specific topic? Use to add new elements button: You can collect several media for one order in the shopping basket. Around 670 jobs are affected, as the company announced on Monday in Herzogenaurach. The agreement, signed by IG Metall first chairman Berthold Huber and Schaeffler chief executive Jürgen Geißinger, represents the first practical result of the future agreement between the two parties outlined on February 23, 2009. Astronomers and astrophysicists researching outer space depend on high-performance telescopes. Bloomberg the Company & Its Products The Company & its Products Bloomberg Terminal Demo Request Bloomberg Anywhere Remote Login Bloomberg Anywhere Login Bloomberg Customer Support Customer Support With innovative technologies, products, and services for CO₂-efficient drives, electric mobility, Industry 4.0, digitalization, and renewable energies, the company is a reliable partner for making motion and mobility more efficient, intelligent, and sustainable. Even here, Schaeffler’s expertise and technology have an important part to play. You can find up-to-date news from the Schaeffler Group, images for the press, background information, videos, and much more for use in editorial articles about our company in the Schaeffler press area. Schaeffler is a leader in the field of motion and uses its pioneering and innovative spirit to underline its claim to be a technology partner that pioneers motion to advance how the world moves. Pontosítás Szűrő visszaállítása. Herzogenaurach: Altersteilzeit + Betriebsversammlung + Arbeitszeit + Freiwilligenprogramm + Tarifrunde 2021, Luckenwalde: Betriebsversammlung als Präsenzveranstaltung, Homburg: 2. We have also continued the development of our expertise from "basic" components to complete system solutions. More Information. Taxfix, the tax expert-led app, has put together this guide.. News & Media. Im Rahmen der Tarifrunde 2021 in der Metall- und Elektroindustrie beteiligte sich Schaeffler in Gunzenhausen erneut an den IG Metall-Aktivitäten » lesen 24.03.2021 Schaeffler, Marelli, Veoneer and ZF joined Bosch and Continental in stopping or slowing production in Europe to cope with falling demand from automakers due to the coronavirus. News & Media. Schaeffler joins STARTUP AUTOBAHN and establishes a partner network to develop market-ready innovations more rapidly This network includes more than 30 partners and 30,000 startups Uwe Wagner: “STARTUP AUTOBAHN is perfect for Schaeffler and is an important milestone in our innovation strategy.” ... Az optimális használat elérése érdekében a Schaeffler cookie-kat (sütiket) használ. Schaeffler Savaria Kft. Schaeffler in the automotive aftermarket is now expanding its comprehensive product portfolio for the repair of truck and trailer wheel bearings. It also used temporary measures such as plant closure days, using up accumulated overtime and vacation leave, and short time under Germany’s Kurzarbeit job subsidy scheme. 11/2021 informieren wir über den Stand der SPACE-Gespräche in Luckenwalde und stellen die Situation bei Schaeffler in Ingolstadt dar, Der Betriebsrat von Schaeffler Schweinfurt informiert in seinem aktuellen Rundbrief Nr. Technical publications by the Automotive Aftermarket Division like brochures, installation guides, or service information are available at our garage portal . Schaeffler products facilitate and shape mobility - as they have been doing for decades. IG Metall: Neuigkeiten zur Tarifrunde über die IG Metall-App! IG Metall: Tarifbeschäftigte sind auch in der Krise besser dran, IG Metall: Die Bundesregierung stärkt Betriebsräte, IG Metall Nordrhein-Westfalen: Tarifabschluss in der Metall- und Elektroindustrie, Tesla: Verurteilung wegen arbeitsrechtlicher VerstöÃe. This is a question many people are currently asking – including at Schaeffler. A weboldal további használatával Ön hozzájárul a cookie-k alkalmazásához.
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