You might otherwise think that the cold from the ice would make the peripheral areas barren but, very often, that is far from true. More clouds than sun. Temperature: 5 °F: 6 °F: 7 °F: 10 °F: 3 °F: 11 °F: 17 °F: More sun than clouds. The population of the station is typically five in wintertime, and has a maximum of 38 in the summer. Greenland has an Arctic climate with average temperatures that do not exceed 10° C (50° F) in the warmest summer months. Breitengrad und hat der Nähe zum Nordpol entsprechend ein polares Klima. Coastal Greenland borders the Arctic Ocean which results in a high amount of rainfall: an average of 2,000-2,500 mm yearly. Hier finden Sie weitere Klimatabellen zu Grönland. Overall, melting on the Greenland ice sheet for 2019 was the seventh-highest since 1978, behind 2012, 2010, 2016, 2002, 2007, and 2011 (Figure 2). In Greenland that temperature is actually quite warm and nice, because of the strong sun and the dry winds. Throughout Greenland we find that temperatures in the last two decades are little different to the 1920s to 60s. In South Greenland the equivalent to strawberries are turnips. High level clouds. Be prepared for T-shirt temperatures on a sunny summer day. Allerdings ist es besonders in den Monaten November bis Februar sehr dunkel und sehr kalt – Reisen werden im Allgemeinen daher erst ab März empfohlen. Greenlanders love their summer so highly and rightly so. "..Beautiful country with much to explore, Greenland Travel made it a very special experience..". Figure 1. Temperature Weather Feels Like Wind Humidity Chance Amount UV Sunrise Sunset; Wed Apr 7-16 / -29 °F: Mostly sunny.-43 °F: 20 mph ↑ 68%: 1%-0 (Low) 2:43 am-Thu Apr 8-4 / -16 °F: Overcast.-33 °F: 29 mph ↑ 69%: 3%-0 (Low) 2:13 am: 12:00 am: Fri Apr 9-10 / -17 °F: Mostly sunny.-34 °F: 16 mph ↑ 69%: 1%-0 (Low)--Sat Apr 10-7 / -18 °F: Morning clouds.-32 °F: 11 mph ↑ 71%: 6%-0 (Low)--Sun Apr 11 Where in other countries, you may tend to think of dandelions as annoying weeds, they are very much loved in Greenland and help to give life and colors. Angesichts einer 2.600 Kilometer langen Ausdehnung von Norden nach Süden und rund 1.200 Kilometer von Ost nach West ist es nicht erstaunlich, dass das Klima sich nicht einheitlich darstellt. The summer offers plenty of contrasts in a country that, much of the year, is covered in white. Danish climate body wrongly reported Greenland heat record . Broken clouds. Greenland’s ice sheet is more than a mile thick, and although a recent study showed it was melting much faster than thought, it is in no danger of disappearing anytime soon. The only exception was the unusually warm year of 2010. A well loved delicacy, which is in high demand in the stores. Light snow. On the contrary, the meltwater ensures that there is a buzzing life of both flora and fauna. The air in Greenland is dry, which is why even a few degrees above zero will feel warmer in here, than in the rest of the world. Greenland's ice made headlines in June, as warm weather made for unseasonably widespread melting. Occasionally temperature at summer reaches mark of 21 °C (70 °F) but with the same probability there will be 0 °C (32 °F). More sun than clouds. The air quality in Greenland is among the best in the world due to the country’s geographical position to the high north. The lower panel shows the daily area of surface melting for 2019 and several recent years. The colors of nature change, the hunting season sets in and the fishing starts up again. und werden vom Norwegischen Meteorologischen Institut und dem Norwegischen Rundfunk zur Verfügung gestellt. The closest Ocean of Nuuk is Davis Strait The summer season is repeated two times in this animation. Though there are many people who come here for an active holiday. Beeinflusst wird das Klima Grönlands von der umgebenden Wassermasse und den Meeresströmungen sowie von der großen Landmasse. Feels Like-8 °F-7 °F-3 °F-2 °F-13 °F-6 °F-3 °F: Wind Speed: 8 mph: 9 … The relatively mild temperatures year-round, including an average high of 24 degrees Fahrenheit (4 degrees below 0 Celsius) in January, make the capital a good destination any time. The summer months are also the time of year where the locals go out in boats and tents to enjoy natures gifts, like trout and berries. The daily clear-sky surface temperature of the Greenland Ice Sheet was measured using MODIS-derived land surface temperature (LST) data-product maps. Angesichts einer 2.600 Kilometer langen Ausdehnung von Norden nach Süden und rund 1.200 Kilometer von Ost nach West ist es nicht erstaunlich, dass das Klima sich nicht einheitlichdarstellt. Daily high temperatures increase by 2°F, from 47°F to 49°F, rarely falling below 42°F or exceeding 55°F.The highest daily average high temperature is 50°F on July 24.. Daily low temperatures increase by 2°F, from 40°F to 42°F, rarely falling below 36°F or exceeding 46°F.The highest daily average low temperature is 42°F on July 28. It is a bit of a cliché to say that Greenland is the land of contrasts, as we did above, but clichés do not come out of the blue. Summer Temperature Trends In Greenland. What to wear in the greenlandic summer You should always remember warm clothes, when you are in Greenland. Nach dem Zufluss des Irmingerstroms, der warmes Wasser vom Golfstrom hertransportiert, vermischen sich die beiden Ströme vor der Westküste Grönlands und sorgen hier für mildere Temperaturen und Eisfreiheit während des ganzen Jahres. Since 2000, the ice sheet has experienced a general increase in melting, with melt-day area for 2019 totaling 28.3 million square kilom… This month should be avoided if you are not a big fan of rain. On June 15 th, the temperature in … The year 2003 was extremely warm on the southeastern coast of Greenland. The Greenlandic winter is as beautiful as it is cold. There is nothing like watching the fog lifting and seeing the icebergs coming into view, and the mountaintops rise high above you, while the fog spreads letting the sun shine through. In Greenlands small communities you will experience that it is extra busy in the summertime. For example, during the heat wave in Europe, it was reported that the highest weather station in Norway—over 6,000 feet above sea level—broke its maximum temperature record when it hit 66°F. Coldest temperatures are shown here in violet and blue, while warmer temperatures nearing the melting point of zero degrees centigrade are shown in orange and red. The top left map shows the total number of days of surface melting in the summer season for the Greenland ice sheet. The lowest water temperature of -0.20°C | 31.64°F will be reached in February. Relax and enjoy it, that’s what it’s all about. Wetter in Nuuk, der Hauptstadt von Grönland. Almost unnoticed June nearly managed to sneak a Greenlandic heat record past us. Since that is when most ice melt occurs, this time of year is perhaps the most relevant. Read more about Greenlands nature and wildlife and get interesting information that you might not know already. For this animation, an 8-day moving average of clear-sky surface temperature was generated from May 1 through September 1, 2005. Spring is beautiful but incredibly short in Greenland. Here you will also experience mornings with mist and fog, and we can only recommend that you go out to the Fiords, armed with your camera. The warmest month is July with an average maximum temperature of 6°C (42°F). Being the traveller you have a lot of options to create your own dream trip, especially because the different regions can offer different experiences. In the month of september, maximum temperature is 43°F and minimum temperature is 40°F (for an average temperature of 41°F). The surface temperature of the Greenland Ice Sheet is a sensitive indicator of surface melt extent, frequency, timing and duration. We are in the south-western area of Greenland, which is the warmest, at least in summer, as is also evidenced by the highest temperature in all of Greenland, as high as 30 °C (86 °F), … Die Durchschnittstemperaturen liegen im Süden Grönlands bei rund drei Grad unter dem Gefrierpunkt, im Norden dagegen bei minus 33 Grad Celsius. However, the only sure thing about Greenland’s weather is that it … The daily clear-sky surface temperature of the Greenland Ice Sheet was measured using MODIS-derived land surface temperature (LST) data-product maps. When they have summer vacation there is really no reason not to. Dänemark zählende Insel Grönland erstreckt sich vom 59. bis zum 83. Surface melting on the Greenland ice sheet ramped down at a near-normal pace in the weeks following the major melt event of early August (Figure 1). That might not sound like much, when you are used to the countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea. Greenland has visitors all your around. The years 2004 and 2005 were closer to normal being well below temperatures reached in 1930s and 1940s . The DMI has just published its Greenland Climate Data Collection for last year, and it is worth looking at the temperature data: There are six stations with long records, Upernavik, Nuuk, Ilulissat, Qaqortoq, Narsarsuaq and Tasilaq. On the other hand, it freezes during winter with temperatures getting as low as -10 °C (14˚F). The climate varies from north to south and from west to east, so each locale has a unique temperature signature. Based on reanalysis and observational data sets, the present study reveals that the variability of summer rainfall in the low‐latitude highlands of China (CLLH) is significantly correlated to the sea surface temperature (SST) configuration from the Greenland Sea (GS) southeastwards to the subpolar region of North Atlantic (NASR). You can try climbing, diving, hiking and running. Die politisch zu Wetter in Grönland: Die Temperaturen und Niederschläge für Nuuk in Grönland stammen von der Webseite Yellow buttercups adorn the mountainsides and many of the roadside ditches of the towns. For the best experience possible, we recommend you to use Chrome, Firefox or Safari. greenland: Average yearly summer air temperature for Tasiilaq, Greenland In kulife: Datasets and functions from the (now non-existing) Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Copenhagen Description Usage Format Source References Examples Die Vorhersage wird viermal am Tag aktualisiert. None of that, of course—whether this summer was cooler than last, or whether the July 31 temperature record will officially replace the 1990 one—changes the long-term warming trend in Greenland's climate for the past few decades (4).Each summer at the edges of the ice sheet, huge lakes of meltwater pool and then collapse in gushing torrents. The temperature is almost the whole year below 0 degrees Celsius (32° Fahrenheit). The top right map shows the difference between 2019 total melt days and the 1981 to 2010 average number of melt days. Only at the coast in the summer period, which is short-lived, temperatures sometimes rise above the freezing point. In northwestern portion of the island temperature at January may drop to -27 °C (-17 °F) due to frequent glacial winds with speed of 19 m/sec. Despite the relatively low average temperatures, the dry air in Greenland means that summer temperatures will often feel warmer than you might expect. Scandinavian countries can be either a winter wonderland or balmy summer destination. With that said, the summer temperature in Greenland is normally around 5 to 15 degrees in the shade. According to the official numbers from DMI, annual temperatures across Greenland were just as high in the 1930s and 40s as they have been in recent years. There are a lot of ways to relax and watch the wonders of nature in your own pace. The further south you get, the warmer it will be. Greenland experiences about two months of midnight sun during the summer. With that said, the summer temperature in Greenland is normally around 5 to 15 degrees in the shade. To watch the children play in the evening is not a rare sight. But what about summertime temperatures? It is often cold out on the water. Aber auch während des Winters sind viele Aktivitäten auf Grönland möglich: Skifahren, Touren mit Schneescootern, Hundeschlittenfahrten oder Nordlichtbeobachtungen. And though this summer is still unfolding, the human fingerprint on Greenland… You should always remember warm clothes, when you are in Greenland. Für Informationen zum Klima, der besten Reisezeit und Wetter in weiteren nordamerikanischen Ländern und Gebieten klicken Sie einfach auf die Namen in der Karte. In the same manner the cold doesn’t feel quite so cold in comparison. Although the annual average temperatures and the average summer temperatures … Der Ostgrönlandstrom transportiert kaltes Wasser aus Norden an der Ostküste Grönlands nach Süden. Do not forget to cover yourself! The highest average water temperature for this location is 5.70°C | 42.26°F and is reached on average around August 12. Once you are here in the summer, it is fantastic to experience the lushness near the Greenland Ice Sheet. We thanks SMHI's Sverker Hellström for early recognition of the new record which would otherwise have had to wait for quality control later this month. The Danish Meteorological Institute, which has a key role in monitoring Greenland’s climate, last week reported a shocking August temperature of between 2.7C and 4.7C at the Summit weather station, which is located 3,202m above sea level at the the centre of the Greenland ice sheet, generating a spate of global headlines. In southern Greenland, the temperatures may go beyond 20 °C (68˚F) in the summer months of June, July, and August. Autumn in Greenland is something very special! This is why it’s not unusual to see people in shorts and T-shirts in the summer, though in the evening most people put on warmer clothes. Deshalb ist es im Sommer im Norden wärmer als im Süden, während es im Winter im Süden deutlich milder als im Norden ist. By contrast, the lowest average water temperature -0.20°C | 31.64°F around February 09. The surface temperature of the Greenland Ice Sheet is a sensitive indicator of surface melt extent, frequency, timing and duration. Greenland in the fall offers many great experiences! Daher ist es im Süden in den Sommermonaten manchmal kühler als im Norden und insgesamt kühler als die geografische Lage vermuten ließe. Temperature in Greenland averaged -18.58 celsius from 1823 until 2015, reaching an all time high of 0.34 celsius in July of 2009 and a record low of -37.66 celsius in February of 1868. Im Südwesten fallen durchschnittlich 1.000 Millimeter Niederschlag im Jahr, im Norden nur 200 Millimeter. The Greenlandic summer is something very special, and the country's name will quickly make sense. The coldest month is January with an average maximum temperature of -26°C (-14°F). The average annual temperature and the average summer temperature for 2003 at Ammassalik was a record high since 1895. Average Weather in July in Nuuk Greenland. In Greenland you are constantly reminded of natures closeness. Die Niederschläge fallen im Süden stärker aus als im Norden. Summer in Greenland is like nothing else you have seen! It is almost a transition between winter and summer and not a season in its own right. Für eine Reise nach Grönland eignen sich vor allem die Sommermonate (Mitte Juli bis Anfang September). The temperatures vary all year around, and the arctic winter can offer some very fresh days with degrees below zero. Only a few minor late-season melt events occurred in September and October. In Nuuk, the average daily temperature varies over the seasons from −5.1 to 9.9 °C (23 to 50 °F) The total area of Greenland is 2,166,086 km 2 (836,330 sq mi) (including other offshore minor islands), of which the Greenland ice sheet covers 1,755,637 km 2 (677,855 sq mi) (81%) and has a volume of approximately 2,850,000 km 3 (680,000 cu mi). Nordpol entsprechend ein polares Klima. This is a sentence one could say about most people in the world, but when summer is short and explosive, it is all about enjoying it to the fullest, something we do in Greenland. The DMI, a key player in monitoring Greenland’s climate, reported a “shocking” early-August temperature of between 2.7C (37F) and 4.7C (40.5F) at the Summit weather station, located some 3,202m above sea level at the center of the Greenland ice sheet.
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