In 1959, the Venezuelan GDP per capita was 10 percent higher than America’s. GDP per capita is gross domestic product divided by midyear population. The latest comprehensive information for - Venezuela GDP per capita - including latest news, historical data table, charts and more. The highest data : 2008 is the highest year for the indicator : GDP per capita (US $). … The latest value from is U.S. dollars. World Economics makes available of world’s most comprehensive GDP database covering over 130 countries with historical GDP PPP data from 1870-2019, building on the lifetimes work of Angus Maddison. The maximum level was 15739 USD and minimum was 9831 USD. GDP Per Capita in Venezuela reached 684,960.4 USD in Dec 2017. Venezuela's … PPP GDP is gross domestic product converted to international dollars using purchasing power parity rates. Venezuela’s economic freedom score is 24.7, making its economy the 177th freest in the 2021 Index. Payable monthly by credit card. Consolidated Fiscal Balance: % of GDP (%), Forecast: Government Expenditure (VES bn), Exports: Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Product (USD th), Imports: Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Product (USD th), Exports: ytd: Electrical Equipment (USD mn), Imports: ytd: Agricultural (Vegetal) (USD mn), Imports: ytd: Food, Beverages and Tobacco (USD mn), Imports: ytd: Plastic and Manufacturing Product (USD mn), Foreign Portfolio Investment: Equity Securities (USD mn), Foreign Portfolio Investment: % of GDP (%), Foreign Portfolio Investment: Debt Securities (USD mn), Forecast: Current Account Balance (USD bn), Net International Investment Position (USD mn), Balance of Payments: Financial Account: Portfolio Investment: Liabilities (USD mn), Balance of Payments: Capital Account (USD mn), Balance of Payments: Current Account: Goods (USD mn), Balance of Payments: Current Account: Income (USD mn), Balance of Payments: Financial Account (USD mn), Balance of Payments: Financial Account: Direct Investment (USD mn), Balance of Payments: Financial Account: Portfolio Investment (USD mn), Balance of Payments: Financial Account: Portfolio Investment: Assets (USD mn), Balance of Payments: Financial Account: Other Investment (USD mn), Balance of Payments: Net Errors and Omissions (USD mn), Balance of Payments: Reserves: Assets (USD mn), Balance of Payments: Current Account: Services (USD mn), International Investment Position (IIP) (USD mn), Foreign Exchange Reserves: Months of Import (NA), Gross Domestic Product: by Expenditure: Annual, SNA 1993: Household Final Consumption Expenditure, Gross Domestic Product: Annual Growth Rate, Gross Domestic Product: Deflator and Volume Index: Annual, Gross Domestic Product: Purchasing Power Parity, SNA 1968: Household Final Consumption Expenditure. Download historical data for 20 million indicators using your browser. Venezuela GDP Value was 482 USD Billion in 2021. If you decline, your information won’t be tracked when you visit this website. Taiwan is the richest Among 29 gainers. Public Consumption accounted for 9.0 % in Dec 2017. What is Venezuela GDP per capita? GDP Annual Growth Rate in Venezuela averaged 1.62 percent from 1998 until 2017, reaching an all time high of 36.10 percent in the first quarter of 2004 and a record low of -26.70 percent in the first quarter of 2003. The Central Bank of Venezuela provides Nominal GDP in local currency. After oil was discovered in Venezuela in 1922 during the Maracaibo strike, Venezuela's dictator Juan Vicente Gómez allowed American oil companies to write Venezuela's petroleum law. - … On 19 October, the Central Bank of Venezuela (BCV) released fresh macroeconomic data for the first time in six months, underscoring the severity of the crisis currently gripping the country. In 1943, Standard Oil of New Jersey accepted a new agreement in Venezuela based on the 50–50 principle, described as "a landmark event". Purchasing Power Parity Converted GDP Per Capita Relative to the United States, G-K method, at current prices for Venezuela U.S.=100, Annual, Not Seasonally Adjusted 1950 to 2010 (2012-09-17) Purchasing Power Parity Converted GDP Per Capita, average GEKS-CPDW, at current prices for Venezuela The maximum level was 15739 USD and minimum was 9831 USD. GDP per capita > PPP > Constant 2000 international $: GDP per capita based on purchasing power parity (PPP). 0. maddison's data is pretty close to this data. Dollars) New Central Bank data reveals the crisis is only worsening. GDP Per Capita in Venezuela reached 684,960.4 USD in Dec 2017. Instant access to full history data in excel. Venezuela Coronavirus Deaths at 1720.00 Persons, Venezuela Coronavirus Cases at 171373.00 Persons, 90 day Deposit Rate in Venezuela at 36.00 percent, Venezuela Money Supply M1 at 814555530.10 VEF Million, Venezuela Money Supply M0 at 525551780.56 VEF Million, Venezuela Money Supply M2 at 816259183.51 VEF Million, Venezuela Money Supply M3 at 816259183.51 VEF Million, Venezuela Coronavirus Recovered at 154023.00 Persons, Bovespa Ends Lower, But Still Up for The Week, Costa Rica Inflation Rate Rises to 0.47% in March, Ukraine Inflation Rate Jumps to 1-1/2-Year High of 8.5%, Mozambique Inflation Rate at Over 3-Year High, Senegal February Inflation Rate Eases to 1.2% in March, Belgium Industrial Output Growth Flattens in February, Slovenia Industrial Output Falls 1.3% YoY in February. Venezuela: GDP per capita. Usd: Bruttoanlageinvestitionen 347.00: 539.00: … Posted on 06 Apr 2011. $14,400 (2016 est.) Trading Economics members can view, download and compare data from nearly 200 countries, including more than 20 million economic indicators, exchange rates, government bond yields, stock indexes and commodity prices. GDP per capita growth (annual %) - Venezuela, RB. Federal Reserve Board average market exchange rate is used for currency conversions. The result is: 10,513 $ US. Venezuela GDP Per Capita data is updated yearly, available from Dec 1960 to Dec 2017, with an average number of 3,262.854 USD. Data published Yearly by World Bank. This video is devoted to Venezuela. Instant access to full history data in excel. 1960-2014 Data | 2020-2021 Forecast | Historical | Chart. With a decline of more than $40k, the GDP per capita of Macao SAR is down by 50% in 2020. GDP is the sum of gross value added by all resident producers in the economy plus any product taxes and minus any subsidies not included in the value of the products. Includes 193 key indicators for Venezuela, curated by CEIC analysts. Its Gross Savings Rate was measured at -17.8 % in Dec 2017. Comparisons of national income are also frequently made on the basis of purchasing power parity (PPP), to adjust for differences in the cost of living in different countries. The country was 2x richer than Chile, 4x richer than Japan, and 12x richer than China! This website stores cookies on your computer. Venezuela gdp per capita for 2014 was $16,054, a 28.88% increase from 2013. Public Consumption accounted for 9.0 % in Dec 2017. Full and unlimited access to CEIC data for multiple users. Population, GDP, life expectancy, birth rate and other key metrics for Venezuela. source: World Bank The lowest data : 1989 is the lowest year for the indicator : GDP per capita (US $). venezuela gdp-per-capita, venezuela forecasts - daten - wirtschafts-indikatoren Übersicht BIP Download limits apply. The latest comprehensive information for - Venezuela GDP per capita - including latest news, historical data table, charts and more. Read more. Its GDP deflator (implicit price deflator) increased 748.056 % in Dec 2017. Statistics and historical data on GDP growth rate, per capita PPP, constant prices. Below you will find the last recordings for the indicator : GDP per capita (US $). The International Monetary Fund provides Mid-Year Population. Venezuela GDP Per Capita data is updated yearly, available from Dec 1960 to Dec 2017, with an average number of 3,262.854 USD. Its Gross Savings Rate was measured at -17.8 % in Dec 2017. Early on, Venezuela’s oil was a game-changer. Venezuela: $7,424.00 1950: 5: Australia: $7,218.00 1950: 6: Canada: $7,047.00 1950: 7: Sweden : $6,738.00 1950: 8: Denmark: $6,683.00 ... Economy > GDP per capita in 1950: Countries Compared Map. The data reached an all-time high of 684,960.377 USD in Dec 2017 and a record low of 864.472 in Dec 1964. Venezuela gni per capita for 2013 was $11,970, a 5.82% decline from 2012. Venezuela. Values are given in USDs and have not been adjusted for inflation. For Nominal GDP contributions, Investment accounted for -3.7 % in Dec 2017. Venezuela GDP (Gross Domestic Product) was INT$179.60billion for 2019 in PPP terms. Find Out (see Data FAQs) Source: IMF World Economic Outlook Database Dollars) New Central Bank data reveals the crisis is only worsening. Nations Facts describes Venezuela GDP, its GDP growth by year, and population. CEIC calculates GDP per Capita from annual Nominal GDP and annual Population and converts it into USD. The average value for Venezuela during that period was 4140.99 U.S. dollars with a minimum of 864.47 U.S. dollars in 1964 and a maximum of 16054.49 U.S. dollars in 2014. Suitable for enterprise usage. Our World in Data. The GDP per capita is obtained by dividing the country’s gross domestic product, adjusted by inflation, by the total population. Publish your articles and forecasts in our website. Venezuela gni per capita for 2014 was $13,080, a 9.27% increase from 2013. Venezuela … The statistic shows the growth in real GDP in Venezuela from between 2012 to 2018, with projections up until 2022. GDP per capita of all the top 31 ranked economies declined in 2020. 4. Venezuela: GDP per capita, current U.S. dollars, 1960 - 2014: For that indicator, we provide data for Venezuela from 1960 to 2014. Even more favorable terms were negotiated in 1945, after a coup brought to power a left-leaning government that included Juan Pablo Pérez Alfonso. In that dataset, the UK would have been 7th in 1950. Venezuela: GDP per capita. Interesting observations about Economy > GDP per capita in 1950. Venezuela BIP Letzte Zuletzt Höchste Unterste Einheit; BIP Veränderung zum Vorjahr -26.80-20.20: 36.10-26.80: Percent: BIP 482.36: 371.01: 482.36: 7.78: Mrd. The latest comprehensive information for - Venezuela GDP per capita PPP - including latest news, historical data table, charts and more. GDP per capita growth (annual %) - Venezuela, RB from The World Bank: Data Learn how the World Bank Group is helping countries with COVID-19 (coronavirus). A single cookie will be used in your browser to remember your preference not to be tracked. Latest; About; Donate; All charts; Sustainable Development Goals Tracker; Coronavirus pandemic: daily updated research and data. To find out more about the cookies we use, see our Cookies Policy. These cookies are used to collect information about how you interact with our website and allow us to remember you. The GDP per Capita in Venezuela is equivalent to 111 percent of the world's average. (source: Human Progress) As of June 2018, about 2.3 million people had emigrated from Venezuela following its economic collapse, or 13 percent of its population. This page provides - Venezuela GDP Annual Growth Rate - actual values, historical data, forecast, chart, statistics, economic calendar and news. Changes in gdp per capita and their respective ranking of economies in 2020. GDP per capita (current US$) - Venezuela, RB. On 19 October, the Central Bank of Venezuela (BCV) released fresh macroeconomic data for the first time in six months, underscoring the severity of the crisis currently gripping the country. The gross domestic product (GDP) per capita is the national output, divided by the population, expressed in U.S dollars per person, for the latest year for which data is published. Venezuela has the least expensive petrol in the world because the consumer price of petrol is heavily subsidized. Its GDP deflator (implicit price deflator) increased 748.1 % in Dec 2017. We use this information in order to improve and customize your browsing experience and for analytics and metrics about our visitors both on this website and other media. Venezuela Nominal GDP reached 20,139.534 USD bn in Dec 2017. Data from World bank and The World Factbook includes gdp per capita and year estimated for. Available via annual subscription to one or more of CEIC’s global and premium databases. The Trading Economics Application Programming Interface (API) provides direct access to our data. Structure of Venezuela GDP: from agriculture, manufacturing, mining and … By 1950, as the rest of the world was struggling to recover from World War II, Venezuela had the fourth-richest GDP per capita on Earth. GDP per capita Clio Infra (1500 to 2010) GDP per capita Maddison Project Database 2020 (map) GDP per capita Maddison (2020) - line chart; GDP per capita (inflation- and PPP-adjusted): World Bank data vs. Penn World Table data; GDP per capita from the World Bank vs. GDP per capita from the Maddison Project ; GDP per capita in England The analysed country is : Venezuela Articles by topic. All rights reserved, Unlimited access tailored to your data needs. The average value for Venezuela during that period was 4140.99 U.S. dollars with a minimum of 864.47 U.S. dollars in 1964 and a maximum of 16054.49 U.S. dollars in 2014. Venezuela GDP Per Capita reached 684,960.377 USD in Dec 2017, compared with 101,700.215 USD in Dec 2016. © 2021 CEIC Data, an ISI Emerging Markets Group Company. License: All the material produced by Our World in Data, including interactive visualizations and code, are completely open access under the Creative Commons BY license.You have the permission to use, distribute, and reproduce these in any medium, provided the source and authors are credited. It allows API clients to download millions of rows of historical data, to query our real-time economic calendar, subscribe to updates and receive quotes for currencies, commodities, stocks and bonds. Venezuela GDP Per Capita chart, historic, and current data. GDP per capita is often considered an indicator of a country's standard of living; however, this is problematic because GDP per capita is not a measure of personal income. Venezuela Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Per Capita reached 684,960.377 USD in Dec 2017, compared with 101,700.215 USD in Dec 2016. The gross domestic product (GDP) per capita is the national output, divided by the population, expressed in U.S dollars per person, for the latest year for which data is published. (Cuba does not appear in this IMF report.) Venezuela’s economic freedom score is 24.7, making its economy the 177th freest in the 2021 Index. World Bank national accounts data, and OECD National Accounts data files. Gross Savings Rate of Venezuela was measured at -17.807 % in Dec 2017. Direct access to our calendar releases and historical data. World Bank national accounts data, and OECD National Accounts data files. Venezuela's GDP Per Capita reached 684,960.377 USD in Dec 2017, compared with 101,700.215 USD in Dec 2016. Includes GDP per Capita on 116 economies standardised by CEIC. An international dollar has the same purchasing power over GDP as the U.S. dollar has in the United States. GDP per capita in Venezuela decreased to 14025 USD in 2014. The economy contracted 26.8% in year-on-year terms in the first quarter of the year—the latest period for … Venezuela gni per capita for 2012 was $12,710, a 6.09% increase from 2011. (Source: The Panam Post) When Hugo Chavez came to power in 1999, the Venezuelan GDP per capita was 27 percent higher than the average in Latin … Venezuela GDP - per capita (PPP) GDP - per capita (PPP): $12,500 (2017 est.) For Nominal GDP contributions, Investment accounted for -3.7 % in Dec 2017. Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) GDP per capita was at level of 1,739 US dollars in 2020, down from 2,299 US dollars previous year, this is a change of 24.36%. Venezuela - GDP per capita (U.S. Per capita GDP for 2016 was estimated to be US$15,100, ranking 109th in the world. National accounts > US$ at constant 2000 prices > Aggregate indicators > GDP per capita > Constant 2000 US$: GDP per capita is gross domestic product divided by midyear population. Entry level access to the CEIC platform for individual users. Top Losers in 2020: Out of 193 economies, gdp (nominal) per capita 164 economies have decreased in 2020 compared to 2019. The private sector controls two-thirds of Venezuela's economy. Current Venezuela GDP Per Capita is 15,692.41 USD. GDP per Capita prior to 1997 is sourced from the World Bank.In the latest reports, Venezuela GDP contracted 26.791 % YoY in Mar 2019. The Gross Domestic Product per capita in Venezuela was last recorded at 14025.36 US dollars in 2014. GDP (nominal) per capita of 193 countries as of 2019 and 2020 by IMF. This is an alphabetical list of countries by past and projected gross domestic product per capita, based on official exchange rates, not on the purchasing power parity (PPP) methodology. Venezuela - GDP per capita (U.S. Venezuela: GDP per capita, current U.S. dollars: For that indicator, we provide data for Venezuela from 1960 to 2014. Federal Reserve Board average market exchange rate is used for currency conversions. The per capita income of Haiti in 2021 will be 1,938 dollars, according to the IMF, and the same indicator for Venezuela will be 1,541 dollars. The result is: 2,378 $ US. Explore the most complete set of 6.6 million time series covering more than 200 economies, 20 industries and 18 macroeconomic sectors. There is no data available for your selected dates. In 2008, Venezuela’s GDP per capita was roughly the same as Chile’s, but this year Chile’s GDP per capita is more than 6 times greater than Venezuela’s ($15,400 vs. $2,548). GDP is the sum of gross value added by all resident producers in the economy plus any product taxes and minus any subsidies not included in the value of the products. Venezuela gni per capita for 2011 was $11,980, a 1.44% increase from 2010.
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