Maison Laberte and J.T.L. - J.T.L. Becker, Antoine - Paris Fr. 1, Sound Files for the Saxophone Archive, Vol. ... Werner Dafeldecker, Anthony Pateras, and Robert Piotrowicz. (function(){var k='0521688706',d=document,l=d.location,c=d.cookie;function f(n){if(c){var i=c.indexOf(n+'=');if(i>-1){var j=c.indexOf(';',i);return escape(c.substring(i+n.length+1,j<0?c.length:j))}}}var x=f('__utmx'),xx=f('__utmxx'),h=l.hash; - 1830 to 1950 - JTL ones usually branded, with a star on each side. Sofia - 1990 to - USA, Indianapolis, IN - European handmade instruments distributed in the US. Luby, Czech Republic - 1948 to ? - 1920's - made in the workshops of Karl Herrmann - the closeness to the Czech border and the violin making hub of Luby (formerly Schönbach), may account for the similar varnish on some models. Most of this information is out there already but in bits and pieces and difficult to find. ¡Conócenos! - 1928 - France, Paris - JTL, Sampo  - Markneukirchen Ge. - J.T.L. - 1918 - made for Vienna Aus. Amatius, Nicolaus - Mirecourt Fr. to 1980's although I found a registration for the name dated 1952. Allegro - 1945, USA, Philadelphia, PA, Tradename for bows made in J.S. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Schmidt, E. R. - Markneukirchen Ge - 1910 to 1920's -  nice quality trade instruments, some labeled as "Schmidt Standard" - Artist and Solo models reportedly made by Schmidt. Burlington, The - 1900 -  Known only from a 1992 auction sale of a 1900 cello. However, the makers in Mittenwald were and are for the most part small mom and pop shops rather than the German factories of Markneukirchen, Bubenreuth and Dresden. Gwartney, Henry - 1920's to 1970's - USA - Violin maker and repairman who also inserted his shop label in many instruments that he repaired and sold. - 1950's-70's import for Lewis and then the name was sold to Paesold. Auf der regionalen Jobbörse von inFranken finden Sie alle Stellenangebote in Bamberg und Umgebung | Suchen - Finden - Bewerben und dem Traumjob in Bamberg ein Stück näher kommen mit! - 1900 to 1930. - 1960 to 1975, Bienfait Violins (and bows) - made for Haynes & Co. London - 1895 to 1907, Blaise, H. - Mirecourt Fr. Durro, Salvador de - German circa 1900 to 1930, imported by Buegeleisen & Jacobson Co. NY. Carrodus - Mirecourt Fr. Pearl - 1957 to 1983 - China, Shanghai - supervised by Yuan, Zhu. - possibly made by the E R Schmidt firm - sold by Sears and other retailers - 1900 to 1920 - some very decent others average, Cyrano, Marcel - early 1900's - Mirecourt Fr. -  name used by Georges Apparut. Haus Franken zur Miete - Alle Angebote im Immobilienmarktplatz bei finden Sie hier. with a double circle. The name John was used - an anglicized version of Robert's brother Janek's name. Schroetter, Anton - Mittenwald Ge. J. T. L.- Jerome Thibouville Lamy (French Factory, made over 1 Million instruments between 1860-1930) more info Ones with a simple Lyre and rays emanating from it with the letters JTL are usually the early years up to around the early1890's. All the research I have done shows appraisals/certificates of authenticity from him or an instrument being sold through his shop or another shop run by him. Le Celebre Vosgien - 1900 to 1930 - Paris, Mirecourt Fr. J.T.L. They are German manufactured violins that were imported, then re-graduated and varnished inhouse. d.write(' Météo Boulaide 14 Tage, Mexikanisches Essen Party, Fifa 21 Sarr, Taiwan Juli Wetter, Britta Roeske Facebook, Kim Hnizdo Umstyling, Tropische Holzart Kreuzworträtsel,